![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
inlet pipe, removal and installation.
(3) Refer to lubrication order and service
e n g i n e l u b r i c a t i o n system.
W h e n removing or installing piston
r i n g s , do not spread rings more than
Piston, Rings, Connecting Rod, and Cy-
necessary to avoid overstressing the
linder liner
from the blower to top of piston in the combus-
Punch a hole through center of a piston pin re-
tainer with a narrow chisel or punch and pry the
t i o n chamber and by the water jacket around
retainer from piston, being careful not to damage
cylinder. Also, piston is cooled by a spray of lub-
piston or bushings. Remove and disassemble the
ricating oil directed at underside of piston from
pistons, rings, connecting rod, and cylinder liner
a nozzle in top of connecting rods on all engines
in numerical sequence (fig. 3-51).
equipped with an oil cooler. The piston rings
d. Cleaning and Inspection.
maintain uniform compression pressures in all
(1) Piston and rings.
c y l i n d e r s . The cylinder liner houses the piston.
(a) Clean all parts thoroughly with fuel oil
and dry with compressed air. If fuel oil will not
b. Removal,
remove carbon deposits, use P-D-680 solvent, or
(1) Drain engine oil and remove oil pan
e q u a l , that will not attack the bushings or tin
p l a t i n g on the piston. The piston ring grooves
(2) Remove cylinder head (para 3-19).
m a y be cleaned with a suitable tool, such as a
(3) Refer to figure 3-50 and remove the pis-
broken half of a compression ring that has been
t o n s arid connecting rods,
s h a r p e n e d to a bevel edge.
(a) Remove carbon from the upper sur-
(b) The cooling surfaces on the inside of
face of cylinder liner,
t h e piston should also be cleaned. Oil return
(b) Remove ridge from the liner at top of
h o l e s in the piston skirt must be thoroughly
r i n g travel, if present.
c l e a n e d . Care must be exercised so that holes
are not enlarged during the cleaning process.
c. Disassembly.
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