![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
d e s t r o y the original heat treatment. Heat indi-
(3) Remove ring gear from flywheel. B e f o r e
cators of "crayon" which are placed on work and
r e m o v i n g the ring gear from the flywheel, note
melt at a predetermined temperature. Use of
w h e t h e r teeth are chamfered. The replacement
g e a r must be installed so that the chamfer on
one of these "crayons" will insure against over-
t e e t h faces same direction with relationship to
h e a t i n g of the ring gear.
(c) Pick the ring gear up with tongs and
flywheel as on gear that is to be removed. Then
p l a c e in position on flywheel with ring gear
remove ring gear as follows:
(a) Place the flywheel, crankshaft side
chamfer, if any, facing the same direction as the
o n e just removed.
down, on a solid surface or hardwood block
(d) Tap ring gear into place against
w h i c h is slightly less in diameter than the fly-
shoulder on flywheel. If ring gear cannot be
(b) Drive the ring gear off the flywheel
t a p p e d into place readily, remove ring gear and
using a suitable drift and hammer. The ring
a p p l y additional heat, heeding the above cau-
tion about overheating.
g e a r may be heated with a torch to facilitate
d . Installation.
r e m o v a l . Work around the circumference of the
ring to avoid binding ring gear on the flywheel.
(1) If a pilot bearing is used in bore of fly-
R e m o v e pilot bearing, if required.
w h e e l and was removed, install bearing. Install
(4) Replace ring gear on flywheel.
new seal ring if one was previously used.
(a) Support the flywheel on a solid flat
( 2 ) Mount flywheel, using lifting tool and
c h a i n hoist, into position against rear end of
surface with ring gear side of flywheel up.
(b) Rest the ring gear on a metal or con-
(3) While holding flywheel in place by hand,
crete surface and, using a blow torch or
remove flywheel lifting tool and install flywheel
a c e t y l e n e torch, heat ring gear uniformly, keep-
a t t a c h i n g bolts and scuff plate. Tighten bolts to
i n g the blow torch moving around the circum-
1 3 0 - 1 4 0 foot-pounds torque.
ference of the ring gear to avoid hot spots.
(4) Mount a dial indicator on flywheel hous-
Under no circumstances should the ring gear be
ing and check runout of flywheel at clutch con-
h e a t e d over 400 F., as excessive heating may
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