(3) Cleaning and painting. Clean truck by
washing, and remove debris from floor
a. General. The following instructions apply
and engine compartment. Remove rust
to the truck that is ready for immediate use
and corrosion, and scrape flaked and
upon arrival from shipment, or the truck that
peeling paint; then dry all surfaces
will be out of service temporarily for a period
to be painted or coated with preserva-
not to exceed 6 months (limited storage).
tive. Repaint as required to protect
b. Preliminary Inspection. Before storage or
against deterioration, and stencil
shipment, examine truck carefully to determine
LIFT HERE on surfaces adjacent to
condition. Correct deficiencies and take addi-
each lifting hole. Painting will be as
tional action as prescribed in c through g below.
outlined in TM 9-213.
(4) Accessories. Remove seat cushions,
c. Operations Test. Test truck to be sure that
headlight (spotlight), stoplight-tail-
it operates satisfactorily by putting the truck
light, and fire extinguisher from truck,
through an operation test similar to the run-
and securely box. Mark box to identify
in test (para. 10). Correct all deficiencies if fa-
it with truck, and fasten box securely
cilities are available for such service. If repairs
to truck.
cannot be made at this time, make appropriate
notations on tag that will be attached to steer-
(5) Electrical system. Check for loose con-
ing handwheel. This tag may also carry an ap-
nections and tighten as required.
praisal as to the general condition of the truck.
(6) Cooling system. Flush cooling system
d. Servicing. Perform services listed below
with clean water, and drain. Repeat
before domestic shipment or limited storage of
this operation until water runs clear.
(7) Fuel tank. Do not drain fuel from fuel
(1) Battery. Ship or store battery with
tank if truck is to be stored for less
truck, first charging battery in the
than 90 days. For storage beyond 90
truck with a portable charger or re-
days, follow procedure outlined in
moving battery and using a battery
current edition of MIL-STD-162 or
charger. Replace battery in truck, but
Specification MIL-E-10062.
do not connect ground strap to bat-
(8) Lift forks. Remove lift forks from lift
tery. Tape terminal end of ground
carriage and fasten securely to body
strap to prevent battery from being
of truck.
discharged by accident. Use tape, ad-
(9) Tires. Clean all tires thoroughly.
hesive, pressure-sensitive, conforming
to Specification PPP-T-60. The steer-
(10) Waterproofing. Secure hood and seat
ing handwheel note should advise that
assembly, and seal with tape.
ground strap has been disconnected.
(2) Lubrication. Lubricate truck com-
e. Final Inspection. Make a systematic in-
pletely in accordance with instructions
spection just before shipment or storage to de-
on lubrication order (fig. 1).
termine that all required steps have been taken
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