c. If any component or system contains pre-
8. General
servative oil, drain the oil from it. Fill with
When either a new or used truck is received
proper lubricant as indicated in LO 10-3930-
by an organization, it must be serviced as
described in paragraphs 12 and 14 to prepare it
d. When necessary, fill the battery with elec-
for operation. These services will be performed
trolyte and prepare the battery for service.
by organizational maintenance personnel.
a. The organization mechanic will perform
a. Remove tape, paper, or other packing.
the services and tests that are listed in figure
Use extreme care when unpacking and install-
3. The services performed at this time will
ing separately packaged components.
begin the cycle of regularly scheduled prevent-
b. Remove, with SD (solvent, drycleaning),
ive maintenance services.
the preservative compound which has been
b. The deficiencies and shortcomings noted,
sprayed on all metal surfaces. Because this
and the corrective action taken will be reported
compound is not a lubricant, take special care
on the appropriate form prescribed and ex-
to see that it is completely removed from all
plained in TM 38-750.
wearing surfaces.
AGO 6217A
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