![]() mission, and bring to proper level,
and that all equipment is mechanically ready
if necessary.
for operation on call.
(e) Electrical system. Inspect all electri-
f. Storage Instructions. Provide access to
cal connections; make necessary ad-
each truck in limited storage. Do not block
truck, but be sure tires are not resting on
floors, cinders, or other surfaces that are soaked
69. Oversea Shipment
with grease or oil. Cover truck if stored out-
Instructions for oversea shipment are found
in current edition of MIL-STD-162.
g. Petiodic Inspection and Operation.
Perform quarterly inspection and
maintenance and record findings by
a. Loading. Load and unload truck under its
preparing DA Form 2404. Required
own power, whenever possible, using perman-
w i l l be performed
ent ramps or spanning platforms. If truck can-
promptly to insure the truck is
not operate under its own power, push, tow, or
mechanically sound and ready for use.
lift into position. When lifting equipment, be
Operate the truck sufficiently to bring
sure to attach hooks, chains, or cables only to
it up to operating temperature. After
places marked LIFT HERE.
operation, represerve for shipment
b. Brakes. After truck is put in position on
and limited storage.
flatcar, set handbrake (parking brake) and
(a) Engine and cooling system. Adjust
wire down footbrake pedal or place block be-
fan and generator drive belt. Clean
tween brake pedal and equipment frame to hold
fuel pump and carburetor strainers,
pedal in applied position.
if necessary.
c. Clearances. Position truck on flatcar so
(b) Chassis. Check alignment, steering,
that flatcar brake handwheel will have proper
and gear shifting mechanism.
clearance on all sides and so that overall car
(c) Wheels and brakes. Check brake
clearances will conform to requirements of the
linkage. Tighten hydraulic lines, if
Association of American Railroads rules.
d. Securing Truck. Secure truck to flatcar as
(d) Lubrication. Lubricate truck thor-
follows: The truck will be secured on the car as
oughly in accordance with instruc-
outlined in section 6, figure 54 of AAR Rules
tions on lubrication order (fig. 1),
Governing the Loading of Commodities on Open
if necessary. Be sure to check lubri-
Top Cars.
cant levels in drive axle and trans-
(a) Controls.
71. Authority
(b) Valves.
The truck will be destroyed only if there is
(c) Hydraulic cylinders.
danger of capture and use by the aggressor, and
(d) Hydraulic pump.
only after the order is given by the unit com-
(e) Carburetor.
mander. Destroy the same parts on all similar
equipment to prevent salvage by the aggressor.
(f) Manifold.
Warning: Observe adequate safety precau-
(g) Generator.
(h) Distributor.
(i) Ignition coil.
72. Methods
(j) Spark plugs.
a. Destruction by Hand.
(k) Battery.
(1) Smash the items listed below with a
sledge, a hammer, or an ax:
(2) Smash the items listed below by using
AGO 6217A
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