![]() 5. Operate the generator at specified
c. Start the generator and adjust
speed and note the current setting.
the variable resistance to obtain
The current setting range is 24 to
a current flow of not more than
26 amperes.
10 amperes. Then run the gen-
erator at 2780 armature rpm. The
remove the cover and turn the ad-
voltmeter should register approx-
justing screw clockwise to increase
imately 14 volts. The regulator
or counterclockwise to decrease the
cover must be in place.
current setting.
d. Cycle the generator by moving
the voltmeter lead from the reg-
ulator "B" terminal to the G ter-
ulator as follows:
minal. Retard generator speed
(1) Disconnect field, armature, and bat-
until the generator voltage is re-
tery leads.
duced to 4 volts. Then move the
(2) Remove the screws and washers se-
voltmeter lead back to the B ter-
curing the regulator to its mounting
minal. Bring the generator back
plate and remove the regulator.
up to specified speed and note the
voltage setting. Correct voltage
c. Installation. Reverse procedures in b
range is 14.3 to 14.5 volts.
above. Perform adjustments as outlined in
e. Turn the adjusting screw "clock-
wise to increase and counter-
clockwise to decrease the voltage
a. Removal.
(1) Remove battery.
(3) Current regulator adjustment. Two
(2) Disconnect all electrical leads from the
checks and adjustments are required
starting motor.
on the current regulator: airgap and
current setting.
(3) Remove the screws and washers secur-
ing the starting motor to the flywheel
in exactly the same manner as for
the voltage regulator. Refer to 2
(4) Back the starting motor away from
(a) above.
the flywheel housing until the drive
end clears the housing. Then tilt the
(b) Current setting. To check the cur-
drive end upward and lift starting
rent regulator setting, the voltage
motor out of engine compartment.
regulator unit must be prevented
from operating.
b. Installation. Reverse procedures in a
ing circuit between the regulator
"B" terminal and the battery as
40. Distributor
shown in figure 15.
2. If installed on the truck, turn on
ignition timing adjustments. Adjust distribu-
tor contact points as follows:
(1) Remove distributor cap, rotor, and
minutes until operating tempera-
seal plate.
ture is reached. Keep the regulator
(2) Rotate crankshaft until the breaker
cover in place while checking.
lever fiber rubbing block is on a high
4. Insert a screwdriver blade through
spot on the cam, and points are open
the regulator. Hold screwdriver
to their maximum open position.
firmly with blade touching the regu-
(3) Loosen the contact plate locking
lator base and shield at the same
AGO 6217A
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