![]() If it is possible to do so, put new covers on
57. Seat Frame and Cushions
a. Removal and Installation. Refer to TM 10-3930-
(2) Inspect seat frame for bends, breaks, and
distortions. If it is possible to do so,
b. Inspection and Repair.
straighten bends and distortions. Repair
(1) Inspect cushion and backrest for wear,
breaks by welding.
rips, and other visible damages.
(3) Replace defective items as authorized.
Inspect the body and bearings for
58. Main Hydraulic Pump
irregularities of the bore caused by bearing
a. Removal.
attempting to turn.
(1) Remove rear grill.
(5) Examine bearings and body for signs of
(2) Disconnect hydraulic pump drive shaft
scratches or pitting.
assembly (fig. 91) by removing setscrew
(6) Replace defective parts with serviceable
that secures drive shaft assembly to pump.
(3) Disconnect and cap inlet and outlet
a. Assembly.
hydraulic lines at pump.
(1) Lubricate all parts with hydraulic fluid
(4) Remove bolts, nuts, and lockwashers that
before assembly.
secure pump to frame and remove pump.
(2) Reverse procedures in b above.
b. Dissembly.
(3) Use new baskets and seals.
(1) Remove tube elbow (20, fig. 92) and pipe-
e. Installation. Reverse procedures in a above.
to-hose elbow (6). Remove woodruff key
(2) Remove capscrews (22) and lockwashers
59. Hydraulic Pump Drive Shaft Assembly
a. Removal and Disassembly.
(3) Remove front cover (14), ring seal (13),
(1) Remove four bolts (9, fig. 93) and
rear cover (2), and ring seal (3) from body
lockwashers (10) that attach flange yoke
(11) to drive shaft pulley.
(4) Remove spacer (12) and gasket seal (11)
(2) Loosen setscrew (fig. 91) and slide end
from front cover.
yoke from hydraulic pump shaft.
(5) Remove bearing (10) from body.
(3) Straighten tangs on dust cap (6, fig. 93)
(6) Remove drive gear (8) and driven gear
and slide dust cap and gasket (7) off slip
(18) from body.
joint (8).
(7) Remove bearings (7) from body.
(4) Separate shaft (5) from slip joint.
(8) Remove shaft seal (17) from front cover
(5) Remove dust cap and gasket from shaft.
(6) Remove retaining clips (4) from end yoke
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(2), shaft (5), slip joint (8), and flange yoke
(1) Clean all parts in SD.
(2) Check gears for nicks, burs, cracks, or
(7) Using brass drift, drive cross assembly
through end yoke until bearing on one side
(3) Examine gear chamber of body for
protrudes far enough to be pulled out.
evidence of gears contacting body,
Remove bearing. Drive cross assembly
especially the intake cavity of the body.
through in opposite direction until opposite
bearing can be pulled out.
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