![]() (11) Refer to figure 82 and remove cotter pin, nut
Differential and Carrier Assembly
and washer from pinion shaft and remove yoke
a. Removal
fitting from pinion.
(1) Drain the differential.
(12) Remove screws that secure cover to carrier and
(2) Remove screws and lock plate and remove
remove cover.
drive shaft from the truck.
(13) Remove gasket (6, fig. 83) from cover (5).
(3) Remove the left and right axle shaft (4) Remove
(14) Remove oil seal (7) from cover.
nuts and fiat washers that secure the differential
(15) Remove pinion and cage assembly (fig. 84)
assembly to the axle housing (fig. 78) and
from carrier.
remove the differential carrier assembly from
(16) Remove shims (12, fig. 83) from carrier (19).
the axle housing.
(17) Remove rear pinion bearing lockring (fig. 84)
b. Disassembly.
and remove bearing from shaft.
(1) Remove safety wire from capscrews (fig. 79)
(18) Press pinion (156, fig. 83) from bearing cones (8
that secure adjusting ring lock plate (fig. 79) and
and 14).
remove capscrews and lock plates on both sides
(19) Remove spacer (10) from pinion.
of differential
(20) Remove bearing cups (9 and 18) from cage tire
(2) Mark bearing caps (fig. 79) for correct
assembly (11).
c. Cleaning and Inspection
(3) Cut safety wires and remove capscrews and
(1) Clean all parts with SD.
bearing caps (fig. 79) from housing.
(2) Visually inspect all parts for indication of wear or
(4) Remove adjusting nuts (fig. 79) from each side
of housing.
(3) Inspect all bearings and cones for pitting or
(5) Lift out differential and gear assembly from
other damage
carrier. Punch mark differential ca halves for
(4) Inspect gears for wear, damage, or pitting.
correct assembly.
(5) Replace parts as necessary.
(6) Cut safety wire and remove bolts (fig. 80) from
d. Assembly.
differential and gear assembly and separate
(1) Press roller bearing (16, fig. 83) on pinion (15)
differential case (4, fig. 81) from ring gear (12),
and install lockring (17) on pinion.
being careful not to drop spider (7) and side
(2) Press bearing cone (14) on pinion.
gears (6 and 10).
(3) Press bearing cup (13) into cage assembly (11).
(7) Remove spider (7), side gears (6 and 10), and
(4) Press bearing cup (9) into cage assembly (11).
thrust washers (5 and 11) from differential case.
(5) Lubricate bearings and cups with GO-90
(8) Remove thrust washers (9) and pinion spiders
lubricating oil.
(8) from spider (7).
(6) Insert pinion with bearings into cage assembly
(9) Using suitable puller, remove bearing cones (2
and 13) from differential case.
(7) Position spacer (10) over pinion shaft.
(10) If the ring gear (12) is to be replaced, remove
(8) Press bearing cone (8) onto pinion firmly against
rivets (15) by carefully center punching the
rivets in the center of the head. Use a drill 1%2
(9) Rotate cage several revolutions to be sure there
inch smaller than body of rivet and drill through
is normal bearing contact.
head. Press out rivets after drilling.
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