![]() Figure 80. Differential and gear assembly
(29) Lubricate bearing cones and bearing cups (1,
move caps and reposition the adjusting rings
and 14, fig. 81) with GO-90 and place cups over
Forcing caps into position will result in
hearing cones.
irreparable damage to the carrier housing or
(30) Position differential into carrier assembly (19,
bearing caps
(33) Install carrier capscrews (28) and tighten snugly;
(31) Insert adjusting rings (20) and turn handtight
then back off sufficiently to turn bearing
against bearing cups (1 and 14, fig. 81).
adjusting rings
(32) Install bearing caps (21, fig. 83) in the correct
e. Adjustment for Backlash and Tooth Contact.
position as marked and tap lightly into position.
(1) Screw adjusting rings into carrier and tighten
If bearing caps do not position properly,
down to straighten bearing caps.
adjusting rings may be cross threaded. Re9.
AGO 7010A
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