![]() TM 10-3930-222-20
(5) Replace the seal wire.
c. Adjustment.
(6) To eliminate engine surge, loosen the nut
(1) on the surge adjusting bolt (2) and
(1) Remove the pipe plug from the intake
gradually screw the bolt in or out.
28. Carburetor Air Cleaner
(2) Install an adapter in the pipe plug opening
Refer to figures 22 and 23 and remove air cleaner as
and connect a vacuum gage to the
(3) Start the engine and allow it to warm up
a. Removal.
until normal operating temperature has
been reached.
(1) Loosen hose clamp (4, fig. 23) and
separate the hose (6) from the air cleaner
(4) Adjust the engine to normal idling speed
by means of throttle stop screw (5). Idling
speed is 550 to 600 rpm.
(2) Unscrew the bolt on the strap (fig. 22) and
slide air cleaner from the strap.
(5) Turn the carburetor idle adjusting needle
(3) to obtain the highest possible vacuum
(3) Remove the strap from the bracket if
reading on the gage. The reading should
be constant with very little movement of
b. Disassembly.
the hand on the vacuum gage.
(1) Twist and remove the cup (3, fig. 23) from
27. Governor
the air cleaner.
a. Inspection.
(2) Remove the baffle (2) from the cup.
(1) Inspect the linkage for bends, breaks, and
c. Cleaning. The air cleaner may be serviced
secure mounting.
without removal from its mounting on the bracket.
(2) Inspect the governor for secure mounting
(1) Remove the cup and baffle.
and leaks.
Report leaks to proper
(2) Empty oil and sediment and clean cup
and baffle in SD.
(3) Inspect the governor for broken seal.
(3) Replace the baffle in the cup.
(4) Check the engine for proper governed
(4) Refer to lubrication order (fig. 1) and refill
speed of 2,200 rpm under load and 2,400
the cup to the proper level.
rpm without load.
(5) Reinstall cup and baffle in air cleaner.
d. Assembly. Reverse procedures in b above.
governor as follows:
e. Installation. Reverse procedures in a above.
(1) Install a tachometer on the engine.
29. Fuel Pump Assembly
(2) With engine at normal operating
a. Inspection and Cleaning.
temperature, accelerate engine and check
(1) Inspect the fuel pump assembly (fig. 24)
for governed speed of 2,200 rpm under
for cracks, breaks, leaks, and secure
load and 2,400 rpm without load.
(3) If adjustment is needed, remove the seal
(2) Loosen the nut that secures bowl to pump,
wire (6), loosen the nut (4) on the eyebolt
swing the bail to one side, and remove the
and change the tension on the governor
bowl and the screen.
spring (7) by turning the adjusting nut (5).
(3) Clean the bowl thoroughly with SD and be
(4) Increase the tension on the governor
sure no sediment or lint remains in the
spring to permit an increase in engine
bowl or on the screen.
Decrease the tension on the
governor spring to allow for a decrease in
(4) Replace the gasket, screen, and bowl.
governed engine speed. When desired
Swing the bail back in place and tighten
adjustment is obtained, tighten the nut (4)
the nut.
on the eyebolt.
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