![]() 5-109.
e. To remove side cover from sector
shaft, turn adjustor screw in end of
Install worm shaft and nut
sector shaft down through cover.
assembly in gear housing, keeping
ball nut away form stops on worm.
f . Remove screws and take out end
cover with worm bearing, adjustor and
Install worm bearing adjust-
ing screw with lower worm bearing,
and adjustor lock nut in end cover.
g . Lift out worm bearing from end
cover, loosen worm bearing adjustor
Install end cover and attach-
lock nut and turn adjustor screw thru
ing parts on gear housing, making
sure bearings seat properly.
h. Grasp lower end of steering
d . Tighten worm bearing adjusting
worm and draw steering shaft and nut
screw until a slight drag is felt on
o u t o f s t e e r i n g h o u s i n g . Disassembly
bearings. Do not tighten lock nut.
o f worm nut is not recommended.
Install a new gasket on side
Be sure to keep shaft in hori-
zontal position so that nut does
Install sector shaft and ad-
not move against stops at any
justing screw inside cover.
t i m e , causing damage to ball
return mechanism.
g. Rotate steering worm until ball
nut is in center of travel so that
center tooth on sector shaft will
enter center space on nut.
a. Clean all parts thoroughly in
a stoddard type cleaning solvent, and
Install side cover and sector
dry thoroughly.
shaft in gear housing.
Inspect all bearings for
i . Tighten sector shaft adjusting
pitting or wear.
screw until a slight drag is felt on
bearing but do not tighten locknut.
Inspect worm, a n d r e - c i r c u l a -
ting ball nut for nicks or excessive
j . Position steering gear in
If either of these parts are
machine, line up mounting holes and
unfit for use, it will be necessary
install fasteners (Items 32 & 33).
to replace with a new sub-assembly
Install support bracket (Item 10) and
as they are not serviced separately.
fasteners (Items 48 & 49). Install
mounting clamp fasteners (Items 34
d. Inspect sector shaft for nicks
thru 37). Install steering wheel
or excessive wear.
(Item 39) and fasteners (Items 21 & 22).
Inspect side cover bushing for
Install pitman arm and fasteners
excessive wear.
If the bushing can-
(Items 8 & 9) and torque all fasteners
not be reused, i t w i l l b e n e c e s s a r y
as outlined in Section 4-57, page 4-45.
to replace the side cover new, as the
bushing is not serviced separately.
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