![]() 3. Now... check the torque of the steering
gear mounting bolts (refer to `Plate 9856):
Steer gear to frame bolts (A); 40-50 Ibs./ft.
Outboard bearing bolts (B): 110-150 Ibs./ft.
Al1 the above torqueing steps must be carried
out each time you perform power steering adjust-
m e n t s . . . . because each of the items torqued has
a definite bearing on the steering characteristics
of the truck. With these torqueing steps out of
the way . . ..we can now get to work on checking out
the steering system.. , . starting by determining
whether there is hand wheel end play.
Typical Side & End Caps
Security Check
Typical Hand Wheel End Play Check
4. To check for hand wheel end play....
first place the steer wheels in a straight
p o s i t i o n . T h e n . . . . place your left hand on the
steering column with your thumb just touching
the hand wheel mounting base, as shown. Now,, .
turn the hand wheel, with the right hand, back
Typical Thrust Adjustor Check
and forth. Any up and down movement indicates:
7. With end play eliminated, now check to
(a) That the steering shaft thrust adjust-
make sure the hand wheel and pitman are are
ment screw at the base of the steering shaft must
centered in relationship to the steering gear.
be drawn up.
T o d o t h i s . . . . remove the pitman arm stop jam
nuts (C) and completely back off the pitman arm
5. If the capscrews that secure both caps
in both directions.
a r e loose, tighten them securely (#9844).
8 . N o w . . . . turn the hand wheel as far as
6. If there is still end play in the steer-
possible in both directions. The pitman arm
ing shaft, loosen the steering shaft thrust
should not contact either stop. If the pitman
adjusting screw locknut....and turn the adjusting
arm does hit a stop, then....reposition it on
screw in until end play is eliminated. Then...
the shaft one spline to the right or the left...
tighten the adjusting screw locknut (#9845).
to center it between the stops.
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