![]() 5-106.
to figure 5-133 for Parts
Disconnect battery ground cable.
b . Remove rubber horn emblem (Item 41)
by pulling up and away from steering wheel
(Item 39).
c. Position a screwdriver in small
square holes in the horn button and
rotate horn button (Item 42) 3/4"
d . Remove button (Item 42), brass
contact plates (items 43 & 45) and
spring (Item 44).
Remove retaining plate fasteners
(Item 46), retaining plate (Item 47)
and brush assembly (Item 40).
f . Remove steering wheel fasteners
(Items 21 & 22) and using a puller,
remove steering wheel (Item 39).
g . Remove floor plates and lower
dash panel.
h . Remove pitman arm fasteners
(Item 8 and 9) and remove pitman arm
from steering gear.
1. R e m o v e m o u n t i n g c l a m p f a s t e n e r s
(Items 34, 35, 36 and 37) and support
bracket fasteners (Items 48, 49 & 50).
Fill the master cylinder reservoir
w i t h f l u i d , then force the piston through
j . Remove steering gear mounting
one full stroke.
Repeat piston stroking
fasteners (Items 32 and 33) and remove
until fluid is forced past the check valve
steering gear from machine.
a n d o u t o f t h e o u t l e t p o r t . This leaves
the master cylinder filled with fluid
prior to installing it on the vehicle.
a. Rotate steering worm until nut
b . Install the master cylinder to the
is in center of travel.
vehicle, hook up the brake line and pedal
Remove sector shaft nut
linkage in the reverse order of removal
Use puller to remove pitman arm.
c . Perform brake bleeding and pedal
d . Remove side cover screws and
free-play adjustment as outlined in
remove side cover and sector shaft
Section IV.
from housing.
Change 1
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