![]() assembly. All weldments shall be free from slag,
the assembly by applying force to the shaft. When
flux, weld spatter, and other impurities detrimental
mounting bearings on shafts, always apply force to
to the strength and soundness of the weld. Work
the inner races.
shall be positioned for flat welding whenever
practicable. Butt type joints having members of
f. Lubricate all preformed packings with a thin
equal thickness shall be aligned within 10 percent
coating of light mineral oil before installation.
of the thickness of the members involved.
Weldments shall be free from overlays. Undercut in
g. Lubricate bearings prior to reassembly with
weldments of type 2 and type 3 steels shall not be
the type of lubricant normally used in the related
m o r e than 0.01 inch deep when its direction is
housing or container. This will provide lubrication
transverse to the primary stress in the part that is
d u r i n g the first run-in until lubricant from the
undercut. Undercut shall be not more than
system can reach the bearings.
1/32-inch deep when its direction is parallel to the
primary stress in the part that is undercut.
5-9. GENERAL. Clark Equipment Company has
historically opposed field repair of critical
a. The area of the machine to be repaired must
components of any Industrial Truck Division
be thoroughly cleaned. Steam-cleaning of the
product. It is recommended, rather, that the failed
entire machine is recommended.
or damaged component be replaced at the lowest
serviceable level. The manufacturer does, however,
b. It must be remembered that whenever a failure
recognize that situations may arise in which
occurs in any component, the same shock forces
replacement of the part(s) is not feasible for
causing the failure have been present elsewhere in
reasons of time limitations, spare parts shortages,
that component, and have been transmitted
throughout the structure wherever there is
resistance to that force. Because of this factor, a
5-10. In those cases of emergency where welding
thorough inspection of all members and weld joints
repair is apparently the only practical means of
so affected must be made, such as:
r e s t o r i n g the serviceability of the vehicle, the
instructions given below must be rigidly followed.
Fork hanger brackets
Carriage fork bars
5-11. In no case is but&welding to be allowed on
Carriage lift brackets
rail section, channels, beams, forks, or fork bars. If
*Carriage rollers
fractured, these must be replaced, preferably at the
Carriage roller shafts
next higher weldment assembly.
*Lift chain
*Chain sheaves
6-12. Personnel should be cautioned against
Upright mounting trunnions
adding brackets and attachments by welding on
All upright tiebars
upright members, for personal interests. The nature
Upright tilt brackets
of this practice invites disregard for good welding
Upright roller shafts
design, as well as creating unnecessary visibility
*Upright rollers
problems for the operator.
Upright lift cylinder
support casting
6-13. WELDING PRACTICES, The surfaces of
Upright lift cylinder
chain anchor
parts to be welded shall be free from paint, grease,
Reactive frame members
and scale which can be removed by chipping and
Attachment/Device members,
w i r e brushing, and other foreign matter. When
if any
multiple layers of weld metal are required, each
Load backrest, if any
layer shall be thoroughly cleaned before depositing
Overhead guard, if affected
another layer. All welded parts and assemblies shall
be free from cracks and other imperfections that
*These components must be replaced.
may reduce the effectiveness of the part or
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