![]() resistance of the wire and impair efficiency of the
e. Prior to resurfacing, scrape off loose and
e l e c t r i c a l c o m p o n e n t s , e s p e c i a l l y the ignition
blistered paint from damaged areas. Clean area to
be painted by sanding or buffing. Remove residue
cleaning material with paint thinner, Federal
i . Replace all broken, frayed, crimped, or soft
Specification TT-T-306, and dry thoroughly.
flexible lines and hoses. Replace fittings which are
stripped or damaged. Replace entire flexible hose if
f. During repair operations, bare steel surfaces
fittings are damaged. Make sure the hose clamps do
shall be protected from oxidation when not
not crimp hoses.
actually u n d e r g o i n g r e p a i r w o r k , i . e . , w h i l e
reinspection or
awaiting any
j. Replace any bolt, screw, nut, or fitting on
reassembly. Such protection shall be accomplished
which threads are damaged. Inspect tapped holes
b y dipping the parts in, or spraying them with
for thread damage. If cross-threading or spalling is
evident, retap the hole for the next oversize screw
S p e c i f i c a t i o n MIL-C-6259. The same protective
or stud. When retapping will result in weakening
coating shall be applied to other metals, if
the part, or when the cost of the part makes
necessary to prevent oxidation under climatic or
retapping impractical, replace the damaged part. At
atmospheric conditions prevailing. Aluminum parts
times, merely chasing the threads with the proper
may require protection in atmospheres having a
size tap or die will be adequate.
high salt content. Steel parts must be protected in
all instances.
a. Remove protective grease coatings from new
parts prior to installation.
The above instruction is applicable to
polished and machined steel parts not
b. To replace a preformed packing, first dovetail
protected by cadmium, tin, copper, or
groove, then stretch packing and place into
o t h e r plating or surface treatment. Bare
position. Rotate component on flat surface,
m e t a l surfaces must be free of moisture
applying a downward pressure to uniformly press
when applied. Acid present in perspiration
the packing into position.
and skin oils may attack steel surfaces if
fingerprints are not removed. Dip parts in
c. To provide added sealing for gaskets, coat both
f i n g e r p r i n t remover compound, Military
s i d e s with Permatex Super 300 gasket sealant
Specification MIL-C-15074, after handling,
to prevent such action.
( P e r m a t e x Co., I n c . , West Palm Beach, Fla.) or
e q u i v a l e n t . Be sure that all traces of previous
gasket and sealant are removed before installing
g. Welding and brazing processes may be
employed for the repair of cracks in external steel
new gasket.
parts, s u c h a s b r a c k e t s , p a n e l s , a n d l i g h t
framework. However, the time required, the
d. Install oil seals with seal lip facing in, applying
difficulty of working with the metal, and the
an even force to the outer edge of seal. Coat oil
seals evenly with oil or grease before installing. If
c h a n c e of embrittlement and subsequent failure
oil seals are to be installed over keyed or splined
make such repairs of questionable value. Hence
they should be attempted only when replacement
shafts, use a guide to prevent sharp edges of the
parts are not available. Welding and brazing of
keyway of splines from cutting the leather or
castings and running parts or parts to which great
neoprene seal. Guides can be constructed of very
thin gage sheet metal and shaped to the required
stress is applied is not permissible, except in
emergencies. Refer to paragraph 5-8 for specific
diameter. However, make certain the guide edges
welding instructions.
are not sharp and are bent slightly inward so they
do not cut the seal.
h. Replace all broken, worn, or burned electrical
wiring. Wires on which several strands are broken
e. During reassembly of shafts and bearings in
must be replaced. Broken strands will increase the
housings, first mount bearing on shaft, then install
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