![]() 5-16. FIRE PROTECTION.
c. The use of magnetic particle and/or dye
penetrant techniques of nondestructive testing for
a. Remove work from hazardous area before
this inspection are highly recommended.
cutting or welding. If this is not possible, remove
flammable material from work area, or cover with
5-15. SAFETY.
flame arresting material.
a. Protect-o-seal (anti-flashback) fuel tank cap
b. Correct those conditions where sparks or slag
must be in place before grinding, burning, or
can travel into combustible materials.
welding. Preferred procedure is to empty the fuel
tank and purge with CO2 .
c. Keep oil or grease separated from oxygen. This
combination is explosive if ignited.
d. Do not allow clothing to collect pure oxygen.
In this concentrated or oxygen-enriched condition,
Before attaching welding ground cable to
materials burn violently.
t h e machine, be sure that the alternator
cables are
e. Keep fully charged fire extinguishers nearby.
d i s c o n n e c t e d . This is to prevent burning
Employ standby assistant with extinguisher during
out the diodes in the alternator because of
unavoidably hazardous conditions.
reverse polarity.
b. Always wear helmet, asbestos gloves, suitable
shoes, apron, or other suitably protective clothing
a. Fans on welders and work help to assure good
when welding.
ventilation. Adequate exhaust fans are essential.
However, a breeze directed on the arc can destroy
c. Clothing should be heavy, free from oil or
the gas shield around the arc.
grease. Pockets and cuffs should be protected
against sparks and slag.
b. Never use oxygen for ventilation, or as air jet.
d . Portable grinders should have proper wheel
c. Avoid all welding or cutting in paint booths,
guards. Operator should be equipped with goggles
around dip tanks, degreasing, or other naturally
or safety shield.
hazardous areas.
e . Always use proper torch, tip, electrode, and
d . Excessive or continued breathing of smoke,
holder for the job.
toxic fumes, or dust is injurious. Use respirator in
addition to ventilation under severe conditions.
f. Maintain good welding cables, preferably
protected by loom.
e. Keep all air in work area moving toward
exhaust system.
g. Ground cables to work, never to house
s y s t e m s , hoists, chain falls, etc. Attach welding
g r o u n d cable to one of the two members being
j o i n e d . Do not run current through bearings or
a. All stick electrodes for subject contract joints
wear surfaces.
must be low hydrogen coated (herein called L.H.)
L.H. electrode E-7018 (AWS Class.) is recom-
h. Welding area should be clean and dry.
mended, except when specially noted.
i . Oxygen should never be used as compressed
b . E-7018, E-8018, E-9018, E-10018, E-11018
air, in cleaning or drying operations.
h a v e AC-DC polarity, reversing current, with a
coating of low hydrogen iron powder.
j. Do not use rope to suspend work when
c. L.H. electrodes are supplied from the vendor
flame-cutting, grinding, or welding.
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