5-1. GENERAL. Instructions within this section
provide for removal and repair of all major
a. Preformed packings, gaskets, seals, and similar
c o m p o n e n t s and assemblies of the vehicle. It is
material should be discarded when removed. Do
assumed that organizations undertaking such depth
not use metal tools to remove sealing material. To
of repair shall have proper facilities and equipment
prevent damage to mating surfaces, use wood or
for proper performance of the work. The following
plastic as probes.
paragraphs 5-2 through 5-7 provide general
instructions to be used as a guide in performing
b. Cotter pins, lockwashers, lockwire, self-locking
disassembly, cleaning, inspection, repair, and
n u t s , and any similar locking devices shall be
discarded when removed.
c. To facilitate reassembly and installation, apply
identifying tags to mating points of electric,
p n e u m a t i c , hydraulic lines, etc., when they are
Prior to performing any repair by welding,
refer to
paragraph 5-8 for specific
configuration to ensure correct reassembly.
i n s t r u c t i o n s regarding welding of highly
stressed parts.
d. To prevent moisture and foreign matter from
entering open housings, lines, and other openings,
apply protective covers as soon as practicable after
disassembly. Wrap all parts in clean paper or dip
a. Before attempting removal of any electrical or
hydraulic component, make certain that the
p a r t s in preservative oil, Military Specification
MIL-C-8188, or equivalent.
system is not energized. Disconnect battery ground
strap, lower carriage to the floor and provide
e. Remove only those parts requiring repair or
suitable blocking to relieve all pressure from the
replacement. Do not disassemble a component any
hydraulic system.
further than necessary to accomplish needed
b. Insure that adequate clearance is available for
removal of the component. Disassemble the truck
to the extent necessary to provide adequate
working clearance.
a. When cleaning ball or roller bearings, place
c. Use a chain hoist, jack or other aid when
them in a basket and suspend them in a container
lifting the heavier components. The lifting device
of dry cleaning solvent overnight. If necessary, use
should be positioned and attached to the
a brush to remove caked grease, chips, etc. Avoid
component to remove all strain from the mounting
r o t a t i n g the bearing before solid particles are
hardware before the last of the hardware is
removed to prevent damaging races and balls. When
bearings have been cleaned, spin them immediately
in light lubricating oil to remove solvent.
d. To facilitate reassembly and installation, apply
b. Do not clean preformed packings or other
identifying tags to mating ends of electric or
rubber parts in dry cleaning solvent. These parts
hydraulic lines as they are disconnected. Identify
should be wiped clean with a clean, dry, lint-free
p a r t s of similar configuration to insure correct
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