![]() NOTE
In some cases the pitman arm may barely contact
the stops when the hand wheel is fully turned
In such cases it i s not necessary
right or left.
to reposition the pitman arm on the shaft, since
final adjustment of the pitman arm stops will
c o r r e c t this condition.
Typical Sector Lash
Adjustment Screw
If the pitman does not move instantly
loosen the jam nut on the sector lash ad-
justment screw (H) and turn the adjustment screw
in until all free play between the hand wheel
and pitman arm is eliminated. T h e n . . . . t i g h t e n
the jam nut,
reconnect the front drag link
Typical Pitman Arm Shaft
(1) to the pitmen are. Torque the front drag
Locknut Torque
link ball stud adjusting screw (J) to 18-22
pound feet, and back if off to the nearest hole,
9. Torque the pitman arm shaft locknut
i n s t a l l cotter pin.
(I tern D) 105-130 pound feet....even when you
haven' t had to reposition the pitman arm.
14. Be sure cylinder piston rod stroke
is centered so that piston does not bottom out
10. With the pitman arm (E) and steering
i n either direction.
gear centered., . . next check for free play between
the hand wheel and pitman arm....by turning the
15. With the cylinder and steering gear
hand wheel. The pitman arm should move the instant
centered, the steer wheels should be straight.
the hand wheel moves,
I f they are not... it will be necessary to adjust
the rear drag I ink (K) as we check out the link-
11. Then.... center the steering gear by
turning the hand wheel (F) full right to full
l e f t . . ..counting turns from right to left and
bringing the hand wheel back to its halfway
p o s i t i o n . When installing the hand wheel . . . .
torque the hand wheel nut (G) to 35 to 40 pound
f e e t . . . . a n d , using a prick punch, stake the nut
t o t h e s h a f t . . . . in two places 180 degrees apart.
If the hand wheel has three evenly spaced spokes
. . . . then spoke position can be disregarded.
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