![]() 16. Now check for free play caused by loose
hand wheel until pressure drops to a minimum:
or misadjusted linkage. T O d o t h i s . . . f i r s t ,
Hydracool 90 PSI and Hydratork 70 PSI.
torque the cylinder valve control ball stud nut
(L) to 90 to 110 pound feet. Then...check the
24. When minimum pressure is reached,
cylinder valve control stud (M) for movement
hold the hand wheel at this position and screw
before the steer wheels move.
Its normal allow-
in the pitman arm adjusting screw until it
a b l e total valve travel is about l/4". If ball
touches the pitman arm. Then back off the hand
stud travel exceeds this.. . .cylinder removal and
wheel and turn the pitman arm adjusting screw
adjustment will be required.
one full additional turn toward the pitman arm.
17. Then.. . inspect the rear drag I ink.
2 5 . N o w . . . tighten the stop bolt jam nut
If necessary, adjust it to assure that the steer
. . .which must always be installed as shown.
wheels are straight with cylinder and steering
Then, turn the hand wheel to contact the adjust-
gear centered, making certain to tighten the lock-
ing screw with considerable force. The pressure
nut shown after the adjustment is made. Tighten
should not rise above the minimum'pressure spec-
the rear drag link ball socket screw (0) to 18-22
pound feet and back if off to nearest hole.
Repeat the same procedures for the left
turn adjustment.
18. N o w . . . i n s p e c t t h e s t e e r a x l e s t o p l o c k -
replace them. If you replace the tie rods the measurement for the
tie rod is 12 11/16'' from center tie rod. If
When the tachometcr only is being used,
the tie rod stud is loose, tighten the stud nut. The tie rod stud
the same routine is followed except that instead
nut should be torque to 68-82 lbs. ft., then increase to next
of reading pressures, you will read RPHs. With
cotter slot.
the engine running at 500 RPH, turn the hand
1 9 . Now... inspect the steer axle stop lock-
wheel to the extreme right until the RPM drops.
If an axle stop is
nuts (Q) for tighteness.
T h e n . . . . slowly back off the hand wheel until
m i s s i n g . . . i n s t a l l a stop...making certain to
engine speed canes back to 500 RPM.
maintain a 78 degree steer wheel angularity for
sol id tired trucks. For pneumatic tired trucks,
When 500 RPM is reached, hold the hand
the steer wheel anguiarity is 75 degrees.
wheel at this position and screw in the pitman
arm adjusting screw one full additional turn
20. Then . ..place masking tape on right and
toward the pitman arm...and install and tighten
left spindle arm. PI ace tape on the spindle stop
.the adjusting screw jam nut. Now. . . turn the
bolt head, on some model s. Now.. .connect a tach-
hand wheel to contact the adjusting screw with
considerable force. The engine speed should not
ometer and start the engine with the transmission
in neutral. With the engine running at 500 RPM,
decrease. Repeat these same procedures for the
turn the hand wheel full right and full left so
left turn adjustment.
that each steer wheel contacts its axle stop
When the above adjustments have been made,
(stop contacts tape) or until engine speed decrea-
disconnect any gauges used and lubricate a11
axle and linkage points. Then lower the truck
21. Then.. . shut off the engine and check
to the floor and install the seat assembly,
the masking tape for an imprint. Both tapes
floor board, and side hoods.
If one of the tapes has
should have an imprint.
then the rear drag link is out of
no imprint.. .
adjustment and must be adjusted so that the tape
will be imprinted when the wheel is fully turned.
22. When both tapes are imprinted, we are
ready for final adjustment... .which is the setting
of the pitman arm stops. There are two ways of
d o i n g t h i s . . . . with a pressure gauge or with a
The use of a pressure gauge is pre-
ferred, however, because it provides more accurate
23. When using a pressure gauge, hook up
the gauge in the pressure line going to the power
steering cylinder.
Now . . .with the parking brake set, the truck
blocked up, the transmission in neutral and the
engine idling, turn the hand wheel to the extreme
r i g h t . . . . until the axle stop makes contact and
you get a sharp rise in pressure. Then back off
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