![]() Figure 4-54. Idle Mixture Adjustment
Figure 4-55. Idle Speed Adjustment
damaged it must be replaced before a satisfactory
fuel mixture can be obtained.
c. Turn on the head lamp to place the alternator
under a load condition in this manner in order to
obtain the specified idle speed during the
adjustment procedure.
flange of the carburetor controls the engine idle
speed. Turn the screw outward (counterclockwise)
d. Attach a tachometer to the engine.
to increase the engine idle speed and inward
(clockwise) to decrease the engine idle speed.
e . Make sure the choke plate is fully opened.
Initial idle adjustment will automatically set the
W i t h the transmission selector lever in neutral
preliminary fast idle (hot engine) RPM required.
position, turn the idle speed adjustment screw in a
direction to obtain the specified engine idle RPM
a . Position the choke control lever so that the
(500 to 550). Open the throttle by hand and allow
choke plate is fully open.
it to close normally.
b. Seat the throttle plate in the throttle bore. Set
f. Place the transmission selector lever in
the idle adjusting screw to just make contact with
F O R W A R D range and adjust the idle speed to
t h e cam contour; then, turn the screw outward
specifications (500 to 550). The engine idle speed
(counterclockwise) l-1/2 turns.
is adjusted first with the automatic transmission
selector lever in neutral. The final idle speed and
fuel mixture adjustments are made with the
A D J U S T M E N T . The final idle fuel mixture and
transmission selector lever in gear.
engine idle speed is adjusted to settings for a hot
g. Turn the idle fuel mixture adjustment screw
inward until the engine RPM begins to drop due to
the engine until
the engine
the lean mixture. See figure 4-54. Turn the idle
temperatures are stabilized at a hot, normal
fuel mixture screw outward until the engine RPM
operating temperature.
increases and begins to drop; then, turn the idle
mixture screw inward for maximum engine RPM
b. Place the transmission control lever in neutral
and smoothness. Always favor a slightly rich fuel
position and set the parking brake.
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