![]() Note
Do not add distilled water to electrolyte
immediately after charging the battery.
d. Check
periodically to make sure they are clean and tight.
e. Remove any corrosion from battery terminals
by scrubbing with a solution of baking soda, or
ammonia, and water.
f. After cleaning, coat the exterior of the cable
terminals with a light film of Vaseline to retard
further corrosion.
4 - 3 3 . BATTERY TESTS.
4-34. LIGHT LOAD TEST. A defective battery or
Figure 4-38. Checking Battery Specific Gravity
a discharged battery may be found by performing
the following "Light Load Test."
a. Place an electrical load on the battery by
cranking the engine for three seconds. If it starts,
turn the ignition off immediately.
Never allow sparks or open flame in the
a r e a when checking the battery. Storage
b . Place a 10 ampere load across the battery
b a t t e r i e s produce hydrogen, an explosive
terminals for one minute. This will condition the
gas, as a normal by-product of operation.
battery so an accurate voltage comparison test can
be made between cells.
b. Hydrometer readings should be used to
d e t e r m i n e the battery state of charge. This is
c . After one minute, and with the 10 ampere
particularly true in cold weather, as a partially
load still on the battery, check the individual cells
discharged battery may freeze at temperatures up
with an expanded scale voltmeter.
t o 20F.
c. Take readings on the hydrometer as shown in
figure 4-38. Battery will need charging if the
Checking individual cell voltage on newer
specific gravity reads 1.225 (or less) at 75F.
batteries with the completely enclosed
" h a r d - t o p " case is not possible. Use the
tests described in paragraph 4-35 to
determine battery condition.
Specific gravity should be 1.265 or greater
d. Place the positive voltmeter prod on the
battery is exposed to freezing
positive side of the cell and the other prod on the
t e m p e r a t u r e s . If machine is operated in
negative side. A good battery, sufficiently charged
tropical climates where no freezing weather
will read 1.95 volts or more on each cell with a
is encountered, the full charge specific
difference of less than 0.05 volt between highest
gravity may be lowered from 1.375 to
and lowest cell.
1.225 by diluting the electrolyte with
distilled water.
e. If cells read both above and below 1.95 volts
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