![]() Figure 4-25. Pressure Testing Radiator Cap
temperatures, I f t h e t h e r m o s t a t i s s u s -
pected of being faulty, it may be tested
and/or replaced as follows:
Never run the engine with the thermostat
Removal of thermostat will allow
Figure 4-24. Radiator Cap Sealing Surface
water to bypass the radiator and circulate
only through the engine, causing serious
overheating and resultant engine damage.
a weighted vacuum valve which hangs open until
forced closed by a surge of vapor or coolant. Check
Drain the cooling system as outlined
to be sure components are free to operate.
Remove the bolts which retain the
water outlet elbow to the cylinder head
If a new cap is required, always install a cap
and thermostat housing.
of the same type and pressure rating.
h. The radiator pressure relief valve can be tested
Mark or tag bolts during removal, so that
for proper operation by means of the cooling
they may be installed in their original
system tester shown in figure 4-25. This device is
holes at time of assembly.
manufactured by the Stant Manufacturing Co., and
comes equipped with adapters so that it can be
Remove thermostat by pulling out
used to check the radiator and the radiator cap.
from housing.
i. Inspect for dented or clogged overflow pipe. To
Hand the thermostat in a pan or
remove clogged material, run a flexible wire
glass breaker, so that no part of the
through pipe until obstruction is removed. When a
thermostat touches the bottom or sides
pressure cap opens the sudden surge of vapor or
of the container, see figure 4-17.
liquid must pass thru the overflow pipe. If the pipe
Also suspend in the water a thermometer
is dented or clogged, the pressure developed by the
of known accuracy, having a range of at
obstruction may cause damage to radiator or hoses.
least 250 F.
H e a t t h e w a t e r t o 1 5 8 F . , and
REPLACEMENT. An engine which runs too hot or
observe action of bellows in the ther-
too cold will not perform properly, will lack
mostat as water termperature is raised
p o w e r , a n d create more maintenance problems
an additional 10 F. at a time, pausing
at 168 F., 178 F, and 188 F . f o r o n e
minute to check if thermostat is
beginning to open.
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