![]() d. Check radiator
water pump gasket
surfaces and hose connections for leakage.
e . Blow out debris and foreign material from
radiator core by directing a compressed air stream
through the radiator from outside the engine
a. Dram all coolant from engine cylinder block
and radiator. (See figure 4-23 for cylinder block
drain location.)
Figure 4-23. Cylinder Block Drain Location
Draining of cooling system is most effective
when the engine has just been operating, as
the combination of heat and circulation of
cause sudden boiling of the coolant and a
the water will hold some of the sediment in
dangerous steam flash. Always loosen the
suspension, to be drained off with the
cap slowly and allow the pressure to vent
coolant. Disconnecting the lower radiator
off slowly before removing cap.
hose will allow larger particles of sediment
and scale to be drained off.
a. Remove radiator cap slowly, and check
coolant level. The coolant level should be checked
b. Close cylinder block and radiator drains and
with the engine shut off.
refill cooling system, adding cleaning compound,
Military Specification MIL-C-10597.
b. Make certain coolant level reaches the coolant
level tap inside the filler neck, 2-3/4 inches below
c. Operate engine for approximately 15 minutes,
the top of the filler as shown in figure 4-22, but
then completely drain the system and flush with
never higher.
clean water.
d. Refill cooling system with clean water or
anti-freeze solution, to the level shown in figure
Never pour cold water or cold anti-freeze
solution into the radiator of an overheated
e. Operate engine and check for leaks at radiator,
engine. Allow the engine to cool and avoid
water pump gasket surfaces, and hose connections.
the danger of cracking the cylinder head or
Recheck coolant level as engine will expel trapped
block. Keep the engine running while
air while operating.
a d d i n g water or anti-freeze. When using
f. Check radiator cap gasket surfaces, and replace
a n t i - f r e e z e , the solution must contain a
cap if sealing surface appears cracked, broken or
minimum of 40% water.
deteriorated. See figure 4-24.
c. Use only clean water, or clean water and
g. Inspect pressure cap for freedom of operation.
anti-freeze solution, in refilling the radiator. Add 1
Pressure caps employ a spring loaded, rubber-faced
ounce per gallon of soluble oil to the coolant. If
valve which presses against a seat in the radiator
the truck is likely to be exposed to temperatures
top tank. Pressure caps employ either a vacuum
lower than 32F, check anti-freeze protection level
valve held against its seat under spring pressure, or
using a hydrometer.
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