![]() TM 10-3930-634-34
(4) Inspect all performed packing and gasket mat-
ing surfaces for worn, nicked, or burred condition
This section contains information on the maintenance
which would not allow proper sealing. Replace any de-
of the torque converter assembly including the regula-
fective part.
tor valve assembly and the charging pump. The torque
(5) Replace all spring pins.
converter is a separate and distinct unit. It is mounted
f. Reassembly.
on the engine flywheel housing and connected by a
(1) Immerse all parts in clean transmission oil
propeller shaft to the input shaft of the transmission.
prior to reassembly (refer to current lubrication order).
The torque converter is the three element type, includ-
(2) Install piston in housing (fig. 4-3, A) and in-
ing the impeller, turbine, and stator. The torque con-
stall new packing on piston stop. Install piston stop
verter and transmission function together and operate
with packing in housing and secure with piston stop
through a common hydraulic system.
pin (fig. 4-3, A).
4-2. Regulating Valve Assembly
(3) Install inner and outer springs in housing (fig.
4-3, B).
a. General. The regulating valve assembly main-
(4) Install new packing on spring stop. Insert
tains pressure to the transmission control valve for
spring stop in housing, depress spring stop and secure
actuating the direction and speed clutches. The regu-
with stop pin.
lating valve assembly is mounted at the top of the tor-
g. Installation.
que converter housing.
(1) Install seat, plunger and spring in torque con-
b. Removal.
verter housing (fig. 4-1).
(1) Remove torque converter assembly (para 2-7).
(2) Place new packing in groove on housing. En-
(2) Remove regulating valve assembly (fig. 4-l).
sure that packing was immersed in transmission oil.
Use caution when removing regulating valve assembly
(3) Install new gasket on regulator valve assembly
so as not to lose valve plunger, seat, or spring.
housing and secure regulator valve assembly to torque
(3) Remove gasket and packing.
c. Disassembly.
converter using four screws. Tighten screws to 26-28
lb-ft torque.
(1) Depress spring stop and remove spring stop
pin (fig. 4-2).
(2) Remove spring stop and inner and outer
a. General. With the engine running, the torque
converter charging pump draws oil from the transmis-
(3) Remove pin at opposite end and remove piston
sion sump and directs it through the oil filter to the
stop and valve piston.
regulator valve assembly. The charging pump is
d. Cleaning.
mounted at the top rear of the torque converter assem-
(1) Clean all metal parts with cleaning solvent
bly and secured to the converter housing by three
P-D-680 and dry thoroughly with compressed air.
(2) Discard gasket and all packings. Replace with
b. Removal.
new parts.
(1) Remove torque converter assembly (para 2-7).
e. Inspection.
(2) Remove three screws (1, fig. 4-4).
(1) Inspect mating surfaces for burrs, nicks, or
(3) Remove charging pump (2), and gasket (3).
scratches. Remove burrs with a fine soft stone, being
(4) After charging pump and gasket are removed,
careful not to damage surfaces.
remove rigid shaft coupling (4) from converter housing
(2) Inspect valve seats, plunger, piston, and valve
stops for worn or damaged condition. Replace defec-
c. Disassembly.
tive parts.
(1) Remove pipe plug (1, fig. 4-5).
(3) Inspect springs for evidence of permanent set,
(2) Remove eight screws (2) and washers (3) secur-
worn or broken condition. Replace if any of these de-
ing cover (4) to pump body (16). Remove cover, oil seal
fects are found.
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