TM 10-3930-634-12
b. Inspection. Inspect ROPS for cracks, breaks or
other damage. Inspect mounting hardware for wear,
cracks or breaks. Replace defective parts.
a. Removal.
c. Installation.
(1) Remove floodlight (para 4-41).
(1) Use a suitable hoisting device to lift ROPS into
(2) Refer to figure 4-44: remove nine screws (1)
and clips (2) to remove floodlight wire (3) from ROPS.
(2) Install two lockwashers (5) and screws (4) to
(3) Remove two screws (4) and lockwashers (5)
pull ROPS into position in attachment structure.
holding bottom of ROPS to attachment structure.
(3) Install nine screws and clips (1, 2) and attach
(4) Attach a hoisting device to lift ROPS. Remove
floodlight wire (3) to ROPS.
two nuts (6), bolts (7) and washers (8) holding ROPS to
(4) Install floodlight (para 4-41).
vehicle frame. Lift ROPS clear of vehicle and remove.
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