![]() TM 10-3930-634-12
4-54. Transmission Linkage
with the detent positions of the transmission speed
control valve. If out of adjustment, report to direct sup-
a. General. Check all linkage between operator's
controls and transmission frequently. Remove console
port maintenance.
(2) Forward-neutral-reverse control linkage. Make
panel cover and inspect the linkage for proper lubrica-
tion, cleanliness, wear, damage, and freedom of opera-
correspond exactly to the transmission control valve
(1) Speed control linkage. Make sure the operator's
detents. If out of adjustment, report to direct support
control (figure 2-1) is positioned to correspond exactly
a. Inspection. Inspect propeller shafts and yoke
flanges for cracks, breaks, broken welds, or other
in accordance with current lubrication order.
4-56. General
This section contains information on the maintenance
b. Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding Procedure.
of those components of the brake system which is the
(1) Fill reservoir with hydraulic oil (OE/HDO 10).
responsibility of organization maintenance personnel.
Resevoir must be free of dirt. A
screen should be provided in the
a. General. The service brakes are of the expander-
reservoir to keep out foreign parti-
tube-type, hydraulically operated. Pressure is supplied
by an engine-driven hydraulic pump, and application
(2) With the engine idling, open each bleeder valve
is controlled by an applicator valve located under the
(located on top of automatic slack adjuster, figure 4-31)
operator's floor plate. The brake system is supplied
and depress brake pedal until oil flows free of air. Close
with oil (OE/HDO 10) from the main hydraulic reser-
bleeder valves.
voir. Brake adjustment is accomplished automatically
(3) Apply brakes, holding pedal down for at least
by slack adjusters (figure 4-31) located in the hydraulic
10 seconds. Repeat this cycle three times, allowing 30
lines between the applicator valve and the wheel brake
seconds between applications.
assemblies. No provision is made for manual adjust-
(4) Release brakes and open all four bleeder valves.
ment. If adjustment malfunction occurs which cannot
Bleed fluid from valve until flow stops, then close
be corrected by the bleeding process, report to direct
bleeder valves.
support maintenance. Do not attempt to repair a defec-
(5) Repeat steps 3 and 4 until no air can be
tive slack adjuster, replace it. Lining wear can be
detected escaping from fluid.
detected by observing the arc of the brake lining
(6) Repeat the entire bleeding procedure if the
retract springs. Retract springs are visible on inboard
brakes show any evidence of dragging or overheating
side of brake assembly just below the outer circum-
during the first few hours of operation.
ference of the backing plate. Flattened springs (with
the brakes off) indicate the need for lining replace-
Brakes should be checked for air
ment. With lining in good condition, springs will form a
after the first shift of operation.
Shallow arc. Check brakes for air after the first shift of
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