TM 10-3930-634-12
parking brake cable and lever.
d. Adjustment.
a. Removal. For access to the parking brake cable,
(1) Release parking brake.
(2) Remove handbrake yoke pin and cotter pin
remove the parking brake cable and lever.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(3) Turn yoke clockwise to tighten brake and coun-
(1) Clean the parking brake cable and lever with
terclockwise to loosen brake.
an approved cleaning solvent.
(4) Replace handbrake yoke pin and cotter pin.
(2) Inspect the cable for broken wires or kinks. In-
(5) Minor adjustment is made by turning the
spect handbrake lever and mounting brackets for
knurled adjusting knob located at the top of the
cracks, breaks and damaged parts. Replace all defec-
handbrake lever. Turn clockwise to tighten; coun-
tive parts.
terclockwise to loosen.
c. Installation. Refer to figure 4-32 and install the
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