![]() TM 10-3930-634-12
for driving instructions while operating on im-
proved surfaces.
To restart the engine after the emergency
stop control has been pulled up, push the
emergency stop control down. The emer-
gency stop control reset lever, located on
fer to figure 2-5 for instructions for driving in
left side of engine (fig. 3-2) must be
snow or sand.
pushed toward the cylinder block.
2-5.1 Air Cleaner/Filter NBC Warning Decal
Do not attempt to cross a side slope 30 or
more with the truck in four-wheel steer-
A decal has been developed that warns of NBC
ing because the truck may overturn.
exposure. It is to be positioned in a noticeable
place on or near the air cleaner or air filter hous-
d. Picking Up Load on Improved Surface. Refer
ing. You may order the decal using part number
to figure 2-6.
12296626, CAGEC 19207. Refer to TB 43-0219
for further information. Add the decal to the air
e. Picking Up Load on Unimproved Surface. Re-
cleaner (fig. 2-2.1).
fer to figure 2-7.
f. Depositing of Load on Improved or Unim-
2-5. Stopping
Position forks in DOWN and CENTER
position before stopping engine.
ping instructions.
b. Emergency Stopping. To stop the engine in an
emergency, pull up on the emergency stop con-
Figure 2-2.1 NBC Warning Decal
Change 2
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