![]() TM 10-3930-632-12
Figure 4-60. Transmission Oil Filter, Lines and Fittings, Removal and Installation
other damage; replace a damaged filter base.
Inspect the hoses for cracks,
Dry cleaning solvent, P-D-680, used to clean
deterioration, abrasions, and damaged threads; replace
parts is potentially dangerous to personnel and
damaged hoses.
property. Avoid repeated and prolonged skin
(5) Inspect all other parts for cracks,
Do not use near open flame or
distortion, and damaged threads; replace damaged
excessive heat. Flash point of solvent is 100
F. -138 F. (38 C. -60 C.).
d. Reassembly and Installation. Reassemble
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
and install the transmission oil filter and lines as shown
(1) Discard and replace the transmission
in figure 4-60, using a new filter element and gasket.
oil filter element.
After installation, start up the engine and check carefully
(2) Wipe the exterior of the hoses with a
for oil leaks. Repair any leaks and add oil as necessary.
cloth dampened with dry cleaning solvent P-D-680.
Pour clean solvent through the hoses to flush them out.
4-83. Direction Shift Lever and Linkage Adjustment
Blow clean, dry compressed air through the hoses to
a. Adjust the directional control lever and
assure that they are free and clear. Clean all other parts
with dry cleaning solvent P-D-680.
linkage as shown in figure 4-61.
(3) Inspect the filter base for cracks,
damaged threads, scratched or scored filter seat, and
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