![]() TM 10-3930-631-34
(4) Clean brushes, holders and wipe com-
(11)Attach a loop to pressure end of coil spring
mutator with a dry, lint-free cloth.
and connect a spring scale to loop. Pull on scale and
(5) Check appearance of commutator and brush
check spring pressure reading. Total spring pressure
contact surfaces. Signs of good commutation are a dark
should be 40 ounces (1.08 kg). Replace spring if
brownish highly polished commutator and uniform glossy
pressure does not reach this amount.
brush contact surfaces.
(12)Remove spring scale. Install rear cover on
(6) Check brush wires for good contact with
drive motor.
brush holder. Wires must not be damaged or burned.
(13)Install drip pan and floor and toe plates.
b. Removal.
(7) Check brush length. Replace brushes when
metal clips on brushes clear the bottom of the holder
(1) Disconnect battery receptacle and discharge
indent by less than 0.125 inch (3.175 mm).
capacitors. Lift front of truck high enough to gain access
(8) Before installing new brushes, contour brush
to drive motor. Block in position. Remove floor and toe
contact surfaces on a sanding drum the same diameter
plates and drip pan.
as commutator. Hold brushes on drum to obtain same
(2) Tag and disconnect drive motor cables.
radius and brush angle on contact surface as old
Disconnect wires from thermal relay attached to drive
brushes. Clean brushes after sanding.
motor. Remove screws and remove thermal relay from
(9) Install brushes by lifting end of brush spring
motor housing.
(3) Refer to paragraph 4-2 and disconnect pin
brush spring for good contact with brush flange.
from parking brake actuating lever and remove brake
Connect brush wires to brush holder.
calipers, bracket and brake disk from drive motor.
(10)Check brush spring for proper pressure.
(4) Place a jack or other suitable support under
Install thin strong paper between brush and contact
drive motor and raise enough to support motor. Drain oil
surface of commutator (fig. 8-2).
from differential carrier. (5) Remove screws (5, fig. 3-8)
and lock washers (6) and remove drive motor from
differential carrier. Remove gasket (9).
c. Disassembly.
(1) Clean exterior of motor with cleaning
compound, solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D-680) and dry
(2) Remove rear cover (2, fig. 8-3) and remove
brushes (a. above) from motor.
Figure 8-2. Checking brush spring pressure.
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