![]() TM 10-3930-630-12
fittings from hoses or tube and install fittings in new
(3) Remove screw (8), nut (9) and lockwasher
hose or tube. Inspect elbows and adapters for damaged
(10) and remove bearing (12) and washers (11) from
threads and evidence of leakage.
unserviceable parts.
(4) Remove cotter pin (27) and pin (28) and
disconnect accelerator cable from lever (29).
lines in fuel system.
(5) Remove screws (20), lockwashers (21) and
from bracket.
Fuel Tank
(6) Remove pin (13) from shaft and lever.
Slide bearings (23), spring (19), lever (29) and washers
a. General. The fuel tank is mounted on the left
(15) from shaft.
(7) Remove screws and remove clamps (30
front of the truck. A shutoff cock is provided at the fuel
and 31) from cable. Remove retaining ring (32) from
tank outlet. Level of fuel is sent to the fuel level
end of cable.
indicator on the instrument panel by a sending unit
(8) Open left side panel. Remove retaining
installed in the tank.
b. Removal.
ring (32) from bracket (33) and cable.
(9) Mark position of yoke (36) on cable.
(1) Remove left front cowl
Remove nut (37) and yoke.
(2) Close shutoff cock (46, fig. 445). Place a
(10) Check and mark length of adjusting screw.
suitable container under tank. Remove drain plug (43)
Remove nuts (41) and remove adjusting screw (42),
and drain fuel from tank.
spring (39) and clip (40) from bracket (45).
(3) Disconnect wire (35) from sending unit
c. Installation.
(38). Remove screws (36) and lock washers (37) and
(1) Install bearings (23, fig. 4-50), spring (19),
remove sending unit and gasket (39) from fuel tank.
washers (15) and lever (29) on accelerator shaft (14).
(4) Remove filler cap (41) and screen (42)
Install pin (13) through lever and shaft.
from fuel tank.
(2) Position assembled shaft and bearings on
(5) Disconnect tube (4) from shutoff cock.
bracket (26) and secure bearings to bracket with screws
(6) Remove screws (49) and lockwashers (50)
(20), lockwashers (21) and nuts (22)
and lift fuel tank from truck frame
(3) Install bearing (12) on shaft and secure
(7) Remove shutoff cock, plug (40) and elbows
with screw (8), nut (9), lockwashers (10) and washers
and fittings from fuel tank
c. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair
(4) Connect cable (38) to lever (29) with pin
(1) Remove any sediment and water from
(28) and cotter pin (27). Install retaining ring (32) on
(2) Clean inside and outside of tank with
(5) Secure cable to truck with clamps (30 and
cleaning compound (Fed. Spec. P-D-680). All solvent
31). Install cable in bracket (33) and secure with other
must be out of tank and tank dried thoroughly before
retaining ring (32)
filling with fuel.
(6) Install yoke (36) and nut (37) on cable in
(3) Clean inlet screen with solvent and dry with
same position as marked at removal. Install clip (40)
compressed air.
and yoke on throttle lever at carburetor and secure with
(4) Inspect tank for evidence of leakage,
pin (35) and cotter pin (34)
cracked welds and damage. If tank requires repair,
(7) Connect return spring to clip and adjusting
refer to direct and general support maintenance.
screw (42). Install adjusting screw in bracket (45).
(5) Inspect screen for dents and damage.
Adjust length of adjusting screw to length marked at
Replace unserviceable screen
removal with nuts (41)
(6) Check fittings for damaged threads and
(8) Install pedal (3) in bracket on toe plate and
evidence of leakage. Replace damaged parts
secure with pin (2) and retaining rings (1).
(7) Check operation of sending unit (38). Float
(9) Check operation of accelerator and cable.
arm should swivel smoothly and without binding.
Ad just length of adjusting screw or cable as necessary
Replace sending unit if defective.
d. Installation.
(1) Install fittings and elbows (44, 45, 47 and
(10) Install floor and toe plates. Close side
48, fig. 445) in fuel tank. Install shutoff cock (46) and
drain plug (43). Install plug (40).
(2) Use a new gasket (39) and install sending
Fuel Lines
unit (38) in tank. Secure unit with screws (36) an
lockwashers (37).
(3) Install filler cap (41) and screen (42) in
tank. Position fuel tank (51) on truck frame and secure
connect the components of the fuel system.
b. Removal To identify and remove fuel lines and
with screws (49) and lockwashers (50).
fittings refer to figure 4-45.
(4) Connect wire (35) to sending unit. Connect
c. Repair. If fuel lines require repair, remove
tube (4) to shutoff cock.
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