![]() TM 10-3930-630-12
Figure 4-47. Carburetor adjustment
Choke adjustment.
to provide correct throttle motion. Tighten lock nut.
(3) Idle Adjustment
(a) Loosen clamps and remove inlet hose
(a) Start engine and allow to reach
(b) Pull choke control knob on instrument
operating temperature. Adjust governor if necessary
panel all the way out.
(b) Adjust throttle stop screw (fig. 447) to
(c) Observe position of choke plate
an idle speed of 500 to 550 rpm.
through air inlet hose opening in carburetor. Choke
(c) Gradually turn idle adjusting screw
plate should completely close opening to carburetor.
(d) If choke plate is not completely
(fig. 447) in until engine begins to miss. Slowly turn
screw out until engine begins to run unevenly. Count
closed, loosen clamps and move choke cable (fig. 4-47)
number of turns between two points.
until choke is completely closed. Tighten clamps.
(d) Rotate screw to bring it to
(e) Move choke control knob in and out
approximately midpoint between the two points reached
and check choke operation. Cable should operate
in (4) above, or until engine runs smoothly. Stop
smoothly and should completely close choke plate.
(f) Install air inlet hose on carburetor and
(e) Close side panel.
tighten clamps.
c. Removal
(2) Throttle Adjustment.
(a) Depress accelerator and observe
(1) Open left side panel
(2) Disconnect throttle cable (fig. 447) and
throttle cable (fig. 4-47) movement at carburetor.
(b) Release accelerator and observe
choke cable from carburetor.
(3) Loosen clamp and disconnect air inlet hose
action of return spring (fig. 4-47). Throttle cable should
from carburetor.
return carburetor to idle position. If necessary, loosen
(4) Disconnect fuel hose (17, fig. 4-45) from
lock nut and adjust spring tension with adjusting screw
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