![]() TM 10-3930-630-12
(3) Inspect grommets (11) and replace if damaged or
washers (3) and remove grille (4). Remove spacers (56)
(2) Refer to paragraph 4-30 and remove seat from
b. Installation
(3) Remove screws (19), washers (20), nuts (21) and
lockwashers (22) and remove deck (23) from seat support.
(1) Install side panels (12 and 13, fig. 4-4) on hinges
(4) Remove screws (33), lockwashers (34), nuts (35)
Install grommets (11) in panels if they were removed.
and washers (36) and remove seat support (37).
(2) Close side panels.
(5) Remove long screws (38), lockwashers (39) and
nuts (40) and remove angles (41) from screen.
4-27. Floor and Toe Plates
(6) Remove screws (42), lockwashers (43) and nuts
a. Removal
(44) and remove engine screen (45) from truck.
(1) Remove screws (8, fig. 4-3) and washers (9).
(7) Remove remaining parts, if necessary, by
(2) Remove floor plate (11) from operator's
removing attaching parts.
b. Installation.
(3) Remove screws (12 and 15), washers (13 and
17) and nuts (16).
(1) Install engine screen (45, fig. 4-4) on supports
(4) Carefully slide toe plate (19) to the rear and lift
and secure with screws (42), lockwashers (43) and nuts (44).
toe plate away from accelerator, brake and inching
(2) Install angles (41) on screen and install long
screws (38), lockwashers (39) and nuts (40).
(3) Install seat support (37) on angles and secure
c. Installation.
with screws (33), lockwashers (34), nuts (35) and washers
(1) Carefully slide toe plate (19, fig. 4-3) into
position in truck. Align cutouts in plate with pedals
(4) Install deck (23) on rear of seat support and
and accelerator.
secure with screws (19), washers (20), nuts (21) and
(2) Secure plate to frame with screws (12 and 15),
lockwashers (22).
washers (13 and 17) and nuts (16).
(5) Refer to paragraph 4-30 and install seat
(3) Install floor plate (11) behind toe plate over
(6) Install spacers (5) and grille (4) on rods (6).
(4) Secure floor plate with screws (8) and washers
Secure grille with nuts (1), lockwashers (2) and washers (3).
4-28. Grille and Screen
a. Removal
(1) Remove nuts (1, fig. 4-4), lockwashers (2) and
4-29. General
(3) Disconnect spring (14) from slide adjuster.
Remove screws (11), lockwashers (12) and nuts (13) and
a The operator's seat is mounted above the engine
remove slide adjuster (15) and slide (16) from frame (17).
compartment. Placement of the seat allows easy access to
(4) Remove plastic plugs (18) from frame.
all operating controls. Cushions on the seat and back provide
comfort for operator.
(1) Install plastic plugs (18, fig. 4-5) in ends of frame.
(2) Position slide (16) and slide adjuster (15) on
b. The seat is adjustable, fore and aft. It is mounted
frame (17) and secure in place with screws (11), lockwashers
on a hinged support, allowing it to be tilted up and forward to
(12) and nuts (13).
allow access to the top of the engine. A prop, set on a pivot,
(3) Install spring (14) on slide adjuster.
can be raised and set in place to an open position.
(4) Place seat cushion (10) on frame and align hooks
Seat Assembly
at rear of cushion with holes in frame. Slide rod
(9) through frame and cushion hooks and secure with
(1) Lift and tilt seat forward and prop into
cotter pins (8).
d. Installation.
(1) Position seat assembly on seat support (37, fig.
(2) Support seat and remove nuts (1, fig. 4-5) and lift
seat assembly from support. hold the seat in an open
(2) Secure seat to support with nuts (1, fig. 4-5).
(3) Remove prop and lower seat and support into
position on truck.
b. Disassembly.
(1) Remove screws (2, fig. 4-5), washers (3) and
nuts (4) and remove backrest (5) from frame. (2) Remove
cotter pins (8) and rod (9) and remove seat cushion (10) from
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