![]() TM10-3930-628-12
c. Accessories.
(1) Remove seat, cushion, backrest cushion,
a. Instructions in this chapter apply to the truck to
headlight, stop and taillight, and fire extinguisher from
make it available for immediate use upon receipt after
truck. Store all these accessories in a box, mark box
shipment. The storage instructions apply to trucks being
with the truck serial number, and fasten box securely to
taken out of service for a period not to exceed six
the truck.
months. Refer to TM 740-90-1 for instructions covering
(2) Secure side panels, battery compartment
administrative storage.
cover, and seat support and seal joints with tape.
b. Instructions pertaining to overseas shipment are
contained in MIL-STD-162A.
Storage Instruction
Preparation for Shipment or Storage
a. General.
a. Inspection. Perform preventive maintenance
(1) Provide access to the truck during storage.
services listed in paragraphs 3-5 and 4-14 and tables 3-1
Do not block the wheels but be sure tires are not resting
on surfaces containing grease or oil.
b. Repair. Correct all deficiencies noted during the
(2) If the truck is to be stored outside, cover it
inspection if facilities are available. If repairs required
with a tarpaulin or other means to provide protection
are beyond the scope of organizational maintenance,
against the weather.
refer them to direct and general support maintenance
(3) During storage, inspect and operate the
truck at the intervals and in the manner described below.
Truck Preparation
b. 15 to 30 Days.
a. Electrical System.
(1) While in storage, inspect the truck and
(1) Disconnect battery receptacle and tape
operate it (for 15 to 20 minutes) one or more times each
openings to prevent accidental discharge. Use tape,
15 to 30 days.
adhesive (FSN 7510-269-8090).
(2) Check truck for leaks and proper
(2) Do not remove battery from truck. Attach
functioning of components.
tag to) steering wheel to alert personnel that battery
c. 30 Days. In addition to the services of b above,
ground cable has been disconnected.
perform the following every 30 days.
b. Cleaning and Painting.
(1) Test each truck under full load and check
(1) Wash truck and remove debris from floor
hydraulic system for leaks.
and battery compartment.
(2) Maneuver the truck in all directions, both
(2) Remove rust and corrosion, scrape any
forward and reverse, for 10 to 15 minutes.
flaked and peeling paint. Dry all surfaces to be painted
(3) After testing as described above, correct
or coated with preservatives.
deficiencies as described in paragraph 5-2 b.
(3) Repaint surfaces as required to protect
d. 180 Days. Perform 15 and 30 day services and
against deterioration.
Use the following to paint
the following every 180
days. Correct any deficien-
cies found during
the procedures
as described
(a) Primer coat, Specification JAN-P-735
in paragraph 5-2 b.
(FSN 8010-161-7419).
(1) Check alignment, steering operation, and
(b) Final enamel coat, yellow gloss, color
forward and reverse mechanism.
No. 13588, Federal Specification TT-E-489, Federal
(2) Check parking brake linkage. Check and
Standard 595 (FSN's 8010-286-7758, 8010-527-2045,
tighten service brake hydraulic lines if necessary.
and 8010-616-7488).
(3) Lubricate
(4) Coat all exposed metal surfaces with Oil,
accordance with L.O. 10-3930-618-12.
Preservative (PL Medium).
(4) Inspect all electrical connections and
(5) Clean all tires thoroughly to remove all
tighten or adjust if necessary.
grease and lubricants.
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