![]() TM10-3930-628-12
requirements of Association of American Railroads
Loading and Blocking on Railroad Cars
a. Loading.
c. Setting Truck.
(1) Remove forks and attach securely to truck.
(1) With truck in position on flatcar set parking
(2) Load and unload truck under its own power
whenever possible. Use ramps and spanning platforms
(2) Depress service brake pedal and wire or
in loading operations.
block pedal to hold it in the applied position.
(3) If truck cannot be operated under its own
d. Securing Truck.
power, carefully push, tow, or lift it into position.
(1) Place wood blocks in front and rear of each
(4) When using lifting equipment attach hooks,
wheel. Blocks should not protrude beyond outside of
chains, or cables to lifting points marked LIFT HERE.
tires. Spike blocks to flatcar floor.
b. Clearances.
(2) Place wood cleats, approximately the length
(1) Trucks must be positioned on flat cars to
of the wheel, outside each wheel and against the wheel.
provide clearance for the brake handwheel on all sides.
Spike cleats to flatcar floor. Place another cleat of the
(2) Overall car clearance must conform to
same size on top of each cleat against the wheel and
spike top cleat to bottom cleat.
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