![]() TM10-3930-628-12
4-1. Each malfunction stated is followed by a list of
4-15. General
probable causes of
the trouble. The
This section provides information useful in
action recommended is described
opposite the
diagnosing and correcting unsatisfactory operation or
probable cause
failure of the fork lift truck and its components.
Malfunctions which may occur are listed in chart
Chart 4-1. Troubleshooting
Probable cause
Corrective action
1. Truck does not more when ac-
a. Low battery
a. Check specific gravity and charge
celerator is depressed.
if necessary (para 4-25).
b. Defective fuse.
b. Replace fuse (para 4-24).
c. Defective contractors or control
c. Refer to direct and general support
maintenance personnel.
d. -Actuated or defective thermal
d.. Allow truck to cool. Replace
defective relay (para 4-26).
e. Defective or improperly adjusted
e. Adjust or replace seat switch (para
seat or brake interlock switch.
4-32) or brake switch (para
2. Tilt and lift mechanism does not
a. Low batter-
a. Check specific gravity and charge
operate when levers are actuated.
if necessary (para 4-25).
b. Defective fuse.
b. Replace fuse para 4-27).
c. S itch out of adjustment or
c. Adjust switch or replace defective
switch para 4-52).
d. Seat switch not properly adjusted
d. Adjust switch or replace defective
or defective
switch (para 4-32).
e. Defective contractors
e. Refer to direct and general support
maintenance personnel.
f. Defective hydraulic motor or
f. Refer to direct and general support
maintenance personnel.
3. Truck accelerates unevenly and
a. Defective controls or control
a. Refer to direct and general support
does not inch properly.
maintenance personnel.
b. Controls not adjusted properly.
. Refer to direct and general support
maintenance personnel.
4. Inadequate power for climbing
a. Low battery:
a. Check specific gravity and charge
grades and transporting loads.
if necessary (para. 4-25).
b. improperly adjusted or defective
b.. Refer to direct and general support
maintenance personnel.
c. Defective motor or drive axle.
c. Refer to direct and general support
maintenance personnel.
5. Head and taillights do not
a. Defective light.
a. Replace lamps or replace lights
operate when switch is actuated.
b. Defective switch.
b. Replace switch (para 4-20).
c. Loose or defective .wiring.
c. Tighten loose connections. Replace
defective wires.
d. Seat switch not adjusted properly
d. Adjust switch or replace defective
or defective.
switch (para 4-32).
6. Stoplight does not operate when
a. Defective fuse.
a. Replace fuse (para 4-27).
brakes are applied.
b. Defective pressure switch.
b. Replace pressure switch (para
c. Loose or defective wiring.
c. Tighten loose connection or replace
defective wiring (para 4-22).
d. Seat switch not properly adjusted
d. Adjust switch or replace defective
or defective.
switch (para 4-32).
e. Defective master cylinder.
e. Refer to direct and general support
maintenance personnel.
6. Horn does not sound.
a. Defective fuse.
a. Replace fuse.
b. Defective horn button.
b. Replace horn button or parts.
c. Loose wiring.
c. Tighten connections.
d. Seat switch not properly adjusted
d. Adjust switch or replace defective
or defective.
switch (para 4-32).
e. Defective horn.
e. Replace horn (para 4-24).
8. Service brakes drag.
a. Improperly adjusted pedal or
a. Adjust pedal free travel (para
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