![]() of 400 F (bluish color) and install ring gear on the rim of
(3) Remove attaching screws (2, fig. 3-9) and
the flywheel. Be sure beveled side of teeth is installed
remove oil pan. Scrape old gasket remains from pan
on correct side, so starter drive can enter.
and block.
(2) Flywheel installation.
Reverse removal
(4) Remove screws (9) and front filler block (6),
procedure in step a. above and torque flywheel nuts to
and filler block gasket (7).
35 to 40 foot-pounds.
(5) Remove screws (10) and rear filler block (11)
(3) To be sure that crankshaft flange has not
and gasket (7). Remove half of seal (12) from filler
been sprung or otherwise damaged or that counterbore
block. Remove gaskets from engine block.
in the flywheel, which locates it on crankshaft, is not
(6) Remove oil guard (13) by pushing it around
damaged, mount an indicator on the flywheel housing
crankshaft and out of engine block. Remove other half
of seal (12) from oil guard. Discard all used gaskets and
b. Cleaning. Clean oil pan and filler block with
When checking runout, remove spark
solvent and remove sludge and carbon from oil pan.
plugs to allow engine to be turned
Steam cleaning or a vapor degreaser will do a good job.
over freely.
(4) The indicator should be mounted to housing
so that it contacts the face of the flywheel, then turn the
flywheel at least one full revolution, at the same time
holding against the crankshaft to offset the possibility of
end play.
(5) Excessive runout of the flywheel (in excess of
0.008 inch) is probably caused by dirt in, or dam age to,
counterbore locating the flywheel on the crankshaft
Oil pan
Figure 3-8. Checking flywheel runout.
Scew and lock washer
Magnetic plug
3-9. Oil Pan
Plug gasket
To properly install a complete set of pan gaskets and
Oil pan gasket
timing cover plate gasket, it will be necessary to remove
Front filler block
the engine. The timing gear cover plate cannot be
Filler block gasket
removed for replacement of the timing cover plate
Lock washer
gasket unless the engine is removed from the truck. For
Front block screw
this reason maintenance of oil pump, pistons, rods, and
Rear block screw
crankshaft bearings is normally performed with engine
Rear filler block
removed from truck.
Rear block seal
a. Removal (oil pan).
Rear block oil guard
(1) Drain oil, and remove engine from truck, (para
2-6 a.)
Figure 3-9. Oil pan and seals, exploded view.
(2) Remove timing gear cover. Paragraph 3-7 a.
(1) thru (8).
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