b. Cleaning and Inspection.
4-33. Wheel Cylinder
(1) Wipe with clean dry cloth.
a. Removal. Refer to figure 4-9.
(2) Inspect brake drum for scoring.
(1) Remove the brake return spring.
Inspect shoe assembly for wear.
(2) Remove the push rods.
Replace brake shoes if lining is glazed, grease or oil
(3) Unscrew the hydraulic line fitting.
soaked, or if lining thickness is less than 1/8 inch.
(4) Remove the three bolts and washers
c. Installation. Installation is the reverse of
holding the cylinder to the back plate.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
d. Adjustment of Brake Shoe.
(1) Wipe metal parts with a clean cloth
(1) Remove access plug from wheel and
dampened with an approved cleaning solvent (Federal
drum assembly.
Specification P-D-680) and dry thoroughly.
(2) Depress brake pedal, apply pressure to
(2) Inspect for leaking brake fluid, cracked
center the brake shoes, then release pedal.
or worn cylinder caps, or other defects.
(3) Rotate wheel until access hole aligns
(3) Replace a defective wheel cylinder.
with either forward or rear cam adjusting bolt assembly.
c. Installation. Installation is the reverse of
(4) Insert the blade of an 8 or 10 inch,
square shank screwdriver through access hole into slot
d. Bleeding. Refer to paragraph 4-35.
in adjusting cam. Use wrench to apply torque to
4-34. Hydraulic Brake Tubing
a. Removal. Refer to figure 1-4. Remove only
(5) Rotate the forward cam bolt clockwise
sections of tubing which are defective. Unscrew flared
or rear cam bolt counterclockwise until lining drags on
tube nuts and remove tubing, gasket, adapter and nut.
To remove tubing section connected to left wheel
Back off adjustment by turning
cylinder, also remove supporting tube clip and its
screwdriver in opposite direction, increasing clearance
attaching nut and screw.
until drag is relieved.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(7) Repeat steps 3 through 6 to adjust
(1) Wipe with a clean cloth dampened with
other shoe.
an approved cleaning solvent (Federal Specification P-D-
4-32. Master Cylinder
a. Removal. Refer to figure 4-3.
(2) Inspect for leaks, cracks, dents or other
(1) Remove the floor plate (par 4-53).
(2) Unscrew the brake line coupling.
(3) Replace defective tubing, gaskets, or
Remove the two bolts, nuts and
washers. Pull cylinder from push rod.
c. Installation. Installation is the reverse of
b. Servicing. Refer to paragraph 3-9.
c. Adjustment of Master Cylinder Piston Rod
Travel. With foot pedal in fully upward position, adjust
4-35. Bleeding Hydraulic Brake System.
piston rod clevis so that slight free travel (approx. 1/16
a. Fill the master cylinder (fig. 4-3) with brake
inch I is possible with no movement of the piston itself.
(observe piston travel through filler hole).
b. Pump foot brake and hold in the down
d. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Wipe with a clean cloth dampened with
c. .At the wheel farthest from the master
an approved cleaning solvent (Federal Specification P-D-
cylinder, loosen bleeder valve screw (fig. 4-9) and bleed
680) and dry thoroughly.
until pedal goes to floor. Tighten screw. Do not release
(2) Visually inspect for leaking brake fluid,
brake pedal while bleeder screw is open.
cracks or other defects.
d. Repeat until air is out of line and fluid flows in
(3) Replace a defective master cylinder.
a steady stream.
e. Installation. Installation is the reverse of
e. Repeat for other wheel.
removal. Bleed the brake system after installation(para
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