![]() ME 3930-624-34/4-17
13. Safety plug
28. Lock ring
1. Capscrew
29. Pivot arm bearing
16. Grease fitting
2. Washer
30. Bearing cup
3. Locknut
17. Nut
31. Expansion plug
18. Washer
4. Axle mounting housing
32. Roll pin
19. Ball socket
5. Spacer
20. Cover
33. King pin
6. Capscrew
34. Limit stop setscrew
21. Tie rod
7. Washer
35. Nut
22. Nut
8. Shim
36. Spindle
23. Pivot arm retaining nut
9. Self-alining ball bushing
37. Spindle
24. Washer
10. Cotter pin
38. Thrust washer
25. Pivot arm assembly
11. Adjusting plug
39. King pin needle bearing
26. Pivot arm bearing
12. Ball seat
40. Steer axle
27. Bearing cup
13. Ball seat
14. Spring
Figure 4-17. Rear axle assembly, exploded view.
c. Cleaning. Inspection and Repair.
(2) Inspect the king pins (33, fig. 4-17),
(1) Wash all parts with a suitable solvent. Dry
spindles (36 and 37), and the pin of the pivot arm
them with compressed air.
(25) for scoring or excessive wear. Check weld and
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