![]() (2) Place a new gasket on the mounting flange
(15) Move the pinion or ring gear as necessary
of the carrier and coat it with a gasket adhesive.
to obtain the correct tooth contact pattern.
(3) Secure the carrier with mounting hard-
Readjust backlash.
ware. Install copper washers at all holes below the
(16) Tighten the capscrews to secure the
differential oil level. Install a new gasket (17, fig. 4-
bearing caps (3, fig. 4-15) and install lockwire.
14, and the cover (16).
Install the adjusting nut locks (2) and capscrews
(4) If the front axle housing is installed in the
truck, connect the universal joint to the parking
e. Installation.
brake drum.
(1) Install the differential and carrier assembly
in the front axle housing.
shims (8). and self-aligning ball bushings (9) from
4-8. General
the axle mounting housings (4). Note the number
The rear axle is a trunnion mounted steer axle. The
of shims on each axle mounting housing for
rear wheels are mounted on the spindles on tapered
roller bearings, and the spindles pivot in the axle on
(4) Remove the cotter pins (10) from the ends
needle bearings. The rear axle and rear wheels
of the tie rods (21). Remove the adjusting plugs
serve only for steering and load carrying. They have
(11) and the ball seat (12). Detach the tie rods (21)
no driving or braking function.
from the pivot arm assembly (25). Remove the ball
4-9. Rear Axle Assembly (Steer)
seat (13), the spring (14), and the safety plug (15)
a. Removal.
from the tie rod end.
(1) Raise the rear of the truck until the steer
(5) Remove the grease fittings (16).
axle is accessible and block the truck securely in
(6) Remove the nut (17) and washer (18)
this position. The blocks must not interfere with the
securing the ball socket (10). Remove the ball
removal of the steer axle.
socket (19) and cover (20) from the spindles (36
(2) Remove the steer wheels. Refer to TM 10-
and 37). Remove tie rod (21) and nut (22) from
ball socket (10).
(3) Disconnect the tie rods and power steering
(7) Remove the pivot arm retaining nut (23)
and washer (24). Remove the pivot arm assembly
(4) Place a suitable jack under the steer axle
(25). Use a bearing puller to remove the pivot arm
assembly and raise the jack enough to remove the
bearings (26 and 29), and cups (27 and 30).
stress from the axle mounting housings.
Remove the lock ring (28).
(5) Remove the capscrews and locknuts which
(8) Remove the expansion plugs (31) at each
secure the axle mounting housings to the frame.
end of the king pins (33). Remove the roll pins (32)
(6) Lower the jack and steer axle assembly and
from the spindles (36 and 37). Tap the king pins
remove them from under the truck.
133) out of the steer axle (40).
b. Disassembly.
(9) Remove the limit stop setscrews (34). nuts
(1) Remove the capscrew (1, fig. 4-17), washer
(35), spindles (36 and 37), and thrust washer (38).
(2), and locknut (3) securing the axle mounting
(10) King pin needle bearings (39) can be
replaced by forcing them out with the replacement
(2) Remove the axle mounting housings (4)
bearings using a bearing replacement tool, or an
and spacers (5) from the steer axle (40).
arbor press.
(3) Remove the capscrews (6), washers (7),
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