![]() Corrective Action
Probable cause
d. Tighten connections.
d. Line leakage.
e. Bent steering linkage.
f. Improper wheel alinement.
g. Leakage in steer cylinder.
h. Faulty control valve.
a. Check for binding relief valve
a. Hydraulic pressure too high.
42. Steering too sensitive.
b. Recondition - free any binding
b. Faulty flow control valve.
parts (para 5-6).
a. Wheels out of alinement.
43. Loose steering.
b. Loose linkage.
c. W orn king pins.
d. Wheel bearings loose or worn.
44. LOw hydraulic oil pressure.
W orn pump.
b. Replace spring.
W eak relief valve spring.
c. Remove and free valve.
Relief valve stuck open.
d. Free flow control valve.
Flow control valve stuck open.
e. Tighten or replace fittings, hoses
External leakage.
or seals.
f. Replace seals in valves or cylinders
f. Internal leakage.
a. Replace pump (para 4-2).
a. Defective oil pump.
45. Transmission does not operate in
b. Repair transmission (para 4-3).
b. Leakage within transmission.
any speed or slips in all speeds.
a. Low clutch pressure.
46. Transmission does not shift.
b. Replace pump (para 4-2).
b. Defective oil pump.
Disassemble transmission and correct
Gears not correctly engaged.
47. Loss of power during or after
d. Ball and Roller Bearings. After removing
2-6. General
an antifriction bearings, cover them immediately to
This section contains general maintenance in-
keep out dirt and abrasives. Flush thoroughly with
formation that would otherwise have to be repeated
solvent, tap them against a wooden block to remove
throughout this manual.
p a c k e d l u b r i c a n t , and a i r - d r y . C o a t c l e a n e d
bearings with oil, and wrap in clean paper. Replace
a. Hardware and Threaded Parts. Inspect
any bearings that are scored, pitted, discolored
hardware for damaged threads. rounded corners,
from overheating, or otherwise damaged. When
and damaged slots. Threaded holes and parts
installing bearings against shoulders, be sure the
should accept their mating parts without requiring
chamfered side faces the shoulder. Lubricate the
excessive torque. Threads may be chased with a tap
bearing and its mating surface when pressing a
or die. Replace any threaded parts which cannot be
bearing into place. Press bearings only on the race
adjacent to the mating part. Use drivers which
b. G a s k e t s . R e p l a c e a l l g a s k e t s w h i c h a r e
contact as much of the race as possible.
disturbed during repair operations or which show
e. Repair of Damaged Machined and Polished
evidence of leakage. When installing gaskets. use
Remove rough spots, scores, burrs,
grease or gasket cement to retain gasket in position
galling. gouges, and other surface damage from
during reassembly procedures.
machined and polished surfaces. Use a suitable
c. Oil Seals and Packings. Thoroughly lubricate
honing stone. crocus or emery cloth, file, or any
the sealing lip of spring loaded seals with grease or
other method that will permit the part to function
other suitable lubricant when installing. Apply non-
efficiently. The finish of the part must approximate
hardening sealer to the outer circumference of
that of the original finish. Do not alter critical
encased seals or to the mating bores to prevent
dimensions beyond acceptable limits. Build up
possible leakage. Immerse preformed packings in
shafts. rods, and other worn parts by metallizing,
the liquid or lubricant with which they will be in
chrome plating, or welding. Grind built up parts to
original size.
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