![]() TM 10-3930-623-12
which should normally indicate a pressure of 20 to 30 psi
at governed speed when engine is warm. If there is no
This section contains instructions for periodic
oil pressure indication, or the pressure is unsteady after
inspection of the fork lift truck, maintenance which can
the engine has operated for 30 seconds, stop the engine
be performed with commonly available hand tools,
and determine the cause. With engine fully warmed up,
lubrication instructions, and a table of the service
oil pressure should never be below 7 psi at idle speed.
troubles most likely to be encountered, and their
remedies. No special tools are required to accomplish
2. When the engine is started, the ammeter will
any of the operations in this manual.
normally indicate a high charging rate and then gradually
return to a slight charging rate. If a discharge indication
or absence of indication is noted, stop the engine and
ensure that the fork lift truck is ready for operation at all
investigate the cause.
times, it must be inspected systematically so that defects
may be discovered and corrected before they result in
3. The normal engine temperature range (after
serious damage or failure. The necessary preventive
warm-up) should be between 165 degrees to 190
maintenance checks and services to be performed are
degrees F.
If the temperature gage indicates
listed as described in paragraphs 5-4 and 5-8. The item
temperature outside these limits, stop the engine and
numbers indicate the sequence of minimum inspection
investigate the cause. Low coolant level is the most
requirements. Defects discovered during operation of
common cause of overheating, while a defective
the unit will be noted for future correction, to be made as
thermostat will cause overcooling.
soon as operation has ceased.
Stop operation
immediately if a deficiency is noted during operation
4. Operation. Check engine at various speeds for
which would damage the equipment if operation were
evidence of overheating, lubricant leakage and other
continued. All deficiencies and shortcomings will be
abnormal conditions.
Note any excessive noise or
recorded together with the corrective action taken (on
vibration of the engine over its entire speed range.
DA Form 2028) at the earliest possible opportunity.
5. Transmission. Place the fork lift truck in motion
and check operation of transmission in forward and
Refer to table 5-3 and perform the
The transmission shift lever should slide
preventive maintenance checks and services on the fork
smoothly into position without a tendency to slip out of
lift truck.
gear. Note any excessive vibration of shift lever when
decelerating or accelerating the vehicle.
6. Service and Hand Brakes. Test operation of
service brakes at start of road test while traveling at
(ROAD TEST). Road tests on the fork lift truck should
various vehicle speeds. Brake action should be positive
also be conducted following maintenance and service
and applied equally to both front wheels. Note any
Periodic road tests should also be
mushiness or creeping of the brake pedal or tendency of
scheduled if the vehicle is subjected to infrequent use.
the wheels to lock, pull to one side or produce unusual
The road test should provide sufficient operational time
noises. Test the hand brake with the vehicle on an
to insure proper operation of the vehicle.
incline, noting if the brakes hold the vehicle satisfactorily.
attempting to drive the vehicle, but while the engine is
operating, check the operation of the brakes, steering
7. Steering. Check the steering wheel travel for
wheel, truck lighting system and hydraulic system in
hard steering, poor return to center and noises.
accordance with their respective operating instructions.
When the engine is started, observe the indicating
8. Upright Assembly Hydraulic System (see figure
instruments and perform inspection as described in the
subsequent steps:
both the tilt and hoist cylinders through their complete
range of movement. Pushing the control valve handle
1. Observe the oil pressure gag e (figure 1-12)
marked HOIST
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