![]() TM 10-3930-623-12
Observe the following procedures
Always set parking brake when leaving the truck.
and precautions:
Do not activate starter with engine running.
1. Turns should be made smoothly and gradually.
Avoid sudden turns which may cause loss of control or
spilling of the load.
4-65. In addition to the general rules of good driving
2. A loaded fork truck usually steers easier than an
practice that apply to use of any vehicle, such as
empty one. The truck operator should accustom himself
observing posted regulatory signs and rules, certain
to these changes in steering.
special rules apply to the operation of a fork lift truck.
Observance of these rules will minimize the chance of
3. Do not go around corners too fast, especially
personal injury and damage to equipment. The following
when there is no load on forks, as truck may overturn.
safety precautions apply to the use of the fork lift truck.
4. When turning sharp corners, start from the inside
Never stand or pass under elevated loads.
corner rather than from the middle of the aisle.
Always back down inclines.
5. The operator should accustom himself to the
peculiarities of rear wheel steering. Allowance must be
3. Always check the height of doorways and
made for the tail swing and "free turning" tendencies of
overhead obstructions for adequate boom and load
the vehicle.
4. Loaded or empty, drive with the forks raised to
Observe the following procedures and precautions:
about six inches ground clearance, and with the boom
tilted backwards.
While traveling, keep the mast tilted back.
Never put arms or legs between the uprights.
2. Raise the load only high enough to clear
obstructions while traveling. Do not carry the load so
Transport no unauthorized riders.
high as to cause instability.
7. Use two trucks for one load only if the operation is
3. When traveling unloaded, always keep the forks in
authorized and supervised by a competent third person.
a low position.
8. Brake and turn the truck gently to avoid upset or
4. Back the fork lift truck down steep inclines so that
losing the load.
the load will not slip off the forks.
9. Never use only one fork prong for hoisting to avoid
5. Always reduce speed gradually, as sudden stops
twisting the uprights and related parts.
are unnecessarily hard on the truck, and the load may
fall forward.
10. Report any defect in the truck or its operation to
responsible authority immediately. Do not continue to
6. Observe instruments to insure proper vehicle
use a truck with a defect unless specifically authorized to
do so.
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