![]() b. Disassernbly.
(2) Discard brake shoe return springs (3, fig.
(1) Disconnect
Caution: Do not apply an excessive amount
capacitors (para 2-5).
(2) Install wheel chocks forward and aft of
of grease as brake shoe linings may become
front wheels to prevent lift truck from moving.
(3) Remove toe plate and floor plate (TM 10-
(3) Carefully apply a small amount of
chassis grease to wear pads, actuating arm
(4) Raise operator's seat and disconnect
lever contact areas, and brake shoe metal wear
upper yoke from seat assembly.
(5) Remove power steering pump and motor
(4) Adjust seat brake linkage (TM 10-3930-
(6) Remove nut (1, fig. 3-46) securing brake
3-34. Brake Drums
drum (2) to drive motor armature shaft.
a. General. On out-of-round drums, gauge the
(7) Remove brake drum from assembly.
diameter or the radius at points 45 degrees apart around
(8) Disconnect and remove brake shoe return
the inside circumference of the drum. Drum should be
springs (3).
resurfaced if measurement differences are greater than
(9) Remove nuts (4) and flat washers (5).
0.010 inches in diameter or 0.005 inches in radius.
(10) Slide brake shoes (6) from drive blocks
b. Removal. Remove brake drum (TM 10-3930-
(11) Remove nuts (8 and 11) and washers (9
c. Inspection. If worn lining face is tapered toward
and 12) and remove actuating arms (10) and actuating
one side, or worn more on the sides than at the center,
cam (13).
drum may be bell mouthed or barrel shaped. Check
(12) Remove screws securing backing plate
drum surfaces as indicated by wear pattern. Examine for
(14) to drive motor housing.
scoring and heat checking. If not scored over 0.010
c. Inspection.
inches, lining will wear in and seat after some use. Heat
(1) Inspect backing plate for distortion and
checked or scored drum should be replaced or
loose or sheared rivets.
resurfaced, depending upon extent of damage.
(2) Inspect actuating pawls for wear.
d. Polishing. If drum does not require resurfacing,
(3) Inspect brake shoe lining for excessive
polish with fine emery cloth to remove discolorations and
wear and grease saturation.
old lining residue adhering to surface.
(4) Inspect brake shoes for worn actuating
Caution: Never use a drum machined to a
pawl holes.
diameter greater than 0.030 inches over original size.
(5) Inspect brake shoe actuating arm lever
(TM 10-3930-620-12 for brake drum specification.)
contact areas or wear pads for excessive wear.
Thin drums are subject to excessive heat expansion
(6) Check brake drum for cracking, scoring,
and flexing causing fade and spongy pedal. They
excessive wear, and other damage.
also could break under strain of severe use.
(7) Repair or replace all worn or damaged
e. Resurfacing.
If drum requires resurfacing,
proceed as follows: First, resurface drums. Then, finish
d. Reassembly.
grind or hone drums to remove cutting tool marks,
(1) Reassemble seat brake in the reverse
otherwise linings will wear rapidly and brake shoes will
"run-out" when brakes are applied and will release with a
of disassembly.
clicking noise.
located at the base of the steering column, a motor-
3-35. General
driven hydraulic pump, a hydraulic filter, a power -
a. The lift truck is equipped with a hydraulically
steering cylinder, the hydraulic reservoir, and associated
operated power steering system. (fig. 3-47.) Power
flexible rubber hydraulic lines.
steering system components consist of a steering wheel
and column, a hydraulically operated, steering gear
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