![]() the gauge is observed at 1150 100 psi, relief valve is
(7) Remove screws and lock washers
securing power steering pump to pump motor.
adjusted properly.
(8) Remove power steering pump and
(9) If a momentary deflection of the needle on
the gauge is observed before or after 1150 100 psi,
coupling from pump motor.
perform steps (10) through (131 to adjust relief valve.
(10) Remove cap nut located on power
steering pump body.
(11) Using a screwdriver, rotate adjusting
screw clockwise to increase hydraulic system relief
pressure or counterclockwise to decrease system relief
(12) Rotate steering wheel and check that a
momentary deflection of the needle on the gauge occurs
at 1150 100 psi.
(13) Reinstall cap nut and tighten securely.
(14) Remove tee fitting and pressure gauge
from hydraulic pump.
(15) Connect hydraulic line to hydraulic pump.
(16) Perform operational check of hydraulic
system and check for oil leakage.
(17) Place key switch in OFF position.
2-13. Power Steering Pump Motor
a. Removal.
(1) Disconnect
Figure 2-8. Power steering pump and motor.
capacitors (para 2-5).
b. Installation.
(2) Raise the lift truck and block it in position.
Note. In addition to serving as lubrication for coupling,
(3) Remove thermal relay (TM 10-3930-620-
grease will hold coupling in position while attaching pump to
pump motor.
(4) Tag and disconnect cables to pump motor.
(1) Apply a thin coating of no. 2 wheel
bearing grease to power steering pump coupling and
(5) Remove screws and lock washers
install coupling on motor. (fig. 2-8.)
securing pump to pump motor.
(2) Secure power steering pump to pump
(6) Remove screws and lock washers
motor using screws and lock washers.
securing pump motor to truck frame.
(3) Remove plugs from ends of hydraulic
b. Installation.
(1) Position pump motor on truck frame and
(4) Connect hydraulic lines to power steering
secure with screws and lock washers.
(2) Lubricate power steering pump drive shaft
c. Adjustment. Testing and adjustment of hydraulic
end with a coat of grease per LO 10-3930-620-12.
system relief pressure is as follows:
(3) Position pump on motor and secure with
(1) Obtain a pressure gauge incorporating a
screws and lock washers.
full-scale indication of 2000 psi or higher.
(4) Reconnect cables to pump motor.
(2) Using a tee fitting, install pressure gauge
(5) Install thermal relay (TM 10-3930-620-12).
in the high pressure line at the outlet port of hydraulic
pump or in the high pressure input line to power steering
2-14. Hydraulic Pump
a. Removal. The hydraulic pump is attached to the
gear unit.
(3) Apply weight to operator's seat.
hydraulic pump motor located on the right side of the lift
(4) Place directional control lever in N
truck. Remove hydraulic pump from lift truck as follows.
(neutral) position, if required.
(5) Place key switch in ON position.
(1) Disconnect
(6) Rotate steering wheel until steer wheels
capacitors (para 2-5).
are against the mechanical stops.
(2) Install wheel chocks forward and aft of
Note. Hydraulic system relief valve is adjusted to unseat at
rear wheels to prevent lift truck from moving.
1150 100 psi.
(3) Using a suitable lifting device, raise front
(7) While observing pressure gauge, rotate
steering wheel and check indication on gauge.
(8) If a momentary deflection of the needle on
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