![]() below battery compartment and withdraw cover.
(2) Disconnect and tag all lead wires to 3RES
(9, figure 7-3).
(5) Disengage terminals on harness leads 99
and 13A-2 from terminals on wires extending from
(3) Remove two mounting screws and
headlight flexible conduit.
remove 3RES.
b. Installation. Reverse procedure in paragraph
(6) Remove two terminals covers from
a. above.
steering column and disconnect harness lead 83 and 84
from screw-type horn button terminals.
a. Removal.
(1) Remove control panel cover (para 628).
(7) Disengage plug on harness (containing
leads 63, 64, 65, 71, 72 and 74) from receptacle on
(2) Disconnect and tag all electrical leads on
cable extending from direction control switch.
control pack (7, figure 7-10).
(8) Disengage harness terminals on leads 92
(3) Remove four mounting screws and
and 93 from push-on terminals of panic switch.
remove pack.
b. Installation. Reverse procedure in paragraph
(9) Disengage harness terminals on leads
a. above.
13A-4 and 82 from screw-type terminals on light switch.
Adjustment. See paragraph 6-240.
(10) Disconnect harness leads 19, 86-1, 86-2
and 99 from screw-type terminals on light switch.
(1) Remove control panel cover (para 6-28).
(11) Disengage plug on wiring harness
(containing leads 27, 28, 29, 45, 46, 70, and 71) from
(2) Disconnect and tag electrical leads on
receptacle on cable extending from accelerator master
capacitor (19. figure 7-10).
(3) Remove mounting brackets and remove
(12) Disengage plug on wiring harness
(containing leads 35, 70, 86-1 and 94) from plug on
b. Installation. Reverse procedure in paragraph
cable extending from brake and stoplight switch.
a. above.
(13) Disconnect wiring harness leads 13A-1
a. Removal.
and 84 from screw-type terminals on horn.
(1) Remove control panel cover (para 6-28).
(14) Disconnect wiring harness leads 91 and
(2) Disconnect and tag leads on transformer
92 from screw-type terminals on seat switch.
(18, figure 7-10).
(15) Disconnect wiring harness leads 78 and
(3) Remove two mounting screws and
98 from screw-type terminals on seat switch.
remove transformer.
b. Installation. Reverse procedure in paragraph
(16) Disconnect wiring harness leads 69-1 and
a. above.
93 from screw-type terminals on battery connecting
a. Removal. Removal of tile wiring harness (37,
(17) Remove three clamps which secure
the truck Usually, repair of the harness can be
thermal relays to hydraulic oil tank to steering pump
accomplished with the harness in place. However, if
motor, to travel motor frame and to pump motor frame.
repair is required in an inaccessible place, the harness
After disengaging thermal relays, replace clamps to
may be removed from the truck and reinstalled as
prevent loss of parts.
(1) Release handle on battery connector and
(18) Starting at front of truck, remove all
disengage battery connector.
clamps and clips which secure wiring harness branches
and main trunk to structural members.
Remove floor plate (para 6-27).
disengaging harness from clamps and clips, re-attach
clamps and clips to prevent loss of parts.
(3) Remove valve cover (para 6-30).
(4) Remove seven screws, nuts and flat
(19) Remove control panel cover (para 6-28).
washers which secure cover to bottom of truck frame
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