![]() assembly.
(20) Disengage two plugs on wiring harness
(3) Free retaining ring (5) holding collar (4).
from receptacles connected to internal wiring of control
Slide collar down, and remove cushions (1) and sleeve
(6) on axle side coupling half (7). Remove sleeve from
(21) Unscrew conduit fitting (through which
motor side coupling half and any cushions that may
wiring harness passes) from front wall of control panel
have remained with motor when separated.
compartment. Fitting is located in lower left hand corner
(4) Remove cotter pin (3) and nut (2) from
of control panel compartment.
pinion gearshaft (20). Take coupling half from pinion
(22) Carefully withdraw wiring harness from
gearshaft and remove collar and retaining ring.
control panel compartment. Straighten out branches in
(5) Remove six screws (14) and washers
harness as required and work bulky items through holes
(15). Remove oil seal and retainer (13), thrust washers
and around corners as required. Avoid undue strain on
(16), spacers(18) and gaskets ( 17) from cage.
plugs, terminals and terminal relays.
(6) Remove double row roller bearing (19)
b. Installation. Installation of the wiring harness is
from cage. Remove retaining ring, and take pinion
essentially the reverse of the removal procedure. Plugs
gearshaft (20) with race and retaining ring from cage.
are keyed to prevent improper orientation.
Take single row bearing (21) from cage.
securing harness with clips and clamps, assure that
sufficient clearance is maintained between harness and
6-111. DRIVE AXLE DISASSEMBLY. Refer to figure
all moving parts. Hand form harness where required to
obtain clearance. Apply silicone rubber to exposed
(1) Remove drive axle (para 6-90).
screw-type terminals on seat switch, pump motor switch
(2) Drain lubricant from axle (figure 5-1).
and on brake stoplight switch. Insulate other exposed
(3) Remove drive wheels (para 6-76).
terminals with vinyl tubing.
(4) Remove screws (44 and 45) and washers
(46) and remove gear case (58) with brake assembly
from axle housing (79). Remove gasket (66 and oil seal
(5) Remove hub cap (52), cotter pin (53),
spindle nut (54) and washer (55) from spindle (63).
6-108. The adapter provides a gear reduction between
Take final drive gear (60), bearing cups (61) and cones
the travel motor and pinion and the drive axle pinion
and rollers (62) from spindle.
gearshaft. The gears are mounted in a gear case
(6) Remove four nuts (64) and washers (65)
having flanges for mounting the travel motor and for
holding spindle (63) to axle housing (79) and remove
mounting to the drive axle differential housing. The
travel motor drives a bearing-mounted gear cluster
(7) Draw axle gearshaft (69) with bearing (68)
which in turn drives an input driven gear. The pinion
and collar (67) from housing. If they are to be replaced,
gearshaft is spline engaged in the input driven gear.
press off bearing and collar.
(8) Remove nuts (70) and washers (71 and
6-109. The drive axle contains a differential gear
74) from studs (73) in differential housing (94). Don't
arrangement which is driven by the adapter pinion
remove studs unless damaged. Tap axle housings (78
gearshaft. The pinion gearshaft engages a ring gear
and 79), if necessary, to free tapered dowels (72) on
secured to the differential case. The two axle housings
Separate housings and remove tapered
provide mounting for the front wheel brake assemblies.
Many parts which comprise the drive axle can be
removed without removal of the axle from the truck.
Differential bearing cups (80) will remain with
However, for general overhaul, the axle requires
axle housing, causing differential assembly to
drop slightly within its housing when axle
housings are removed.
6-110. ADAPTER DISASSEMBLY. Refer to figure 7-
(9) Carefully remove gaskets (81 and 82)
37 and proceed as follows:
from studs. Before discarding these gaskets, measure
(1) Remove the adapter from the truck (para
and note total gasket thickness removed at each side.
Same thickness of new gaskets is to be used as a
(2) Remove screws (9), nuts (8) and washers
starting point in making pinion and drive gear
(11) holding gearshaft bearing cage (22) to adapter
adjustments at assembly.
housing (24).
Remove housing and gasket (23).
Measure and record gasket thickness for reference at
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