(ohmmeter) or maximum brightness (continuity tester)
6-241. GENERAL. The SCR control pack which
when in the neutral position.
controls creep speed, acceleration time, the shorting
6-235. CONTACTS. The contacts are silver and need
contactor time delay, current limit, and plugging severity
only be replaced when worn thin. Do not file contacts;
is adjusted for each truck during manufacture.
discoloration and slight pitting of the contacts is not
Replacement of control components or motors may
harmful. When contacts need replacing, the contact
require readjusting of the control pack (7, figure 7-10)
module is replaced as a unit, along with its cam.
for proper truck operation. Adjustment may also be
Proceed as follows:
required when the nature of operation or type of
(1) Remove the module retaining screw (24),
materials handled change. The change from a lead-acid
and remove the individual modules and cams, keeping
to a nickel-iron alkaline battery will require adjustment
the parts in order to facilitate reassembly.
6-242. ADJUSTMENTS. The SCR control pack cover
(2) When reassembling, make sure the cams
is removed and exposes five trimmers. Clockwise
and contact modules are replaced in order. Also make
rotation will provide an increase in the function being
sure the orientation of the index line on the cams and
adjusted and counterclockwise a decrease. The SCR
contact modules is the same as in the above diagram.
trimmers provide fifteen turn to go from one end of the
6-236. RETURN SPRING. Proceed as follows:
trimmer range to the other. At each end the adjusting
(1) To replace a broken return spring,
screw will "slip" to prevent damage to the threads. The
proceed with the disassembly as in the contacts section.
field weakening pack (20, figure 7-3) is provided with
drop-out and pick-up single turn trimmers, each having
(2) Gently pry off detent cam housing (35)
a locknut.
and cover (33), and the spring return housing (26).
(3) Slide off the shaft bearing (36), spring
Make all adjustments except where noted in the
drive (37) and defective spring (39).
following sequence. Adjustments must be made
with a fully charged battery.
(4) With the shaft oriented so the spring
6-243. PREPARATION OF TRUCK. Make adjustments
is directly opposite the detent cam housing
to the electrical control circuits as follows:
protrusion, slide the new return spring (39) on the
(1) Raise drive wheels of truck off floor.
so that both spring ends are above the detent
Support securely.
housing (35) protrusion.
Remove rear control panel cover (para 6-
(5) Using a screwdriver, load the spring by
placing the top end of the return spring below the detent
cam housing protrusion. Replace the spring drive (37)
(3) Remove the SCR control pack cover (7,
so its hub is adjacent to the detent cam protrusion.
(6) Replace the shaft bearing (36), spring
(4) Disconnect the heavy cable connecting
return housing (26), detent module and cover.
the hydraulic pump relay IMP (2, figure 7-3) and the
shorting contactor SC relay (17).
Connect a DC
6-238. DISASSEMBLY. Proceed as follows:
ammeter and a shunt between the end of the removed
(1) Remove cover (11, figure 7-12) attached
cable and the terminal from which it was removed.
with two screws ( 12), washers (13), and liner (14).
Remove truck floor plate (para 627).
(2) Remove screws attaching sensitive
switches (18) to bracket (19) and remove switches.
(6) Disconnect wiring harness at the master
cylinder brake light switch (9, figure 7-29) connector
(3) Remove screws holding housing bracket.
plug. The plug contacts are arranged in two rows of
Remove housing bracket (10).
three contacts. Connect, with a jumper wire, the outer
contacts of one row in the harness end plug. With all
(4) Remove springs (20). Remove two clips
switches in operating position, check for stoplight. If
(22) attached with screws, and remove pins (21) and
stoplight lights, remove jumper and connect to outer
arm assemblies (23).
contacts of other row. The jumper in correct location will
lock out the brake switch in the travel motor circuit.
(5) Remove screw and washers securing
carrier assembly to shaft (24). Remove shaft and
If wire harness leads are numbered, jump wire
spacer (26) from housing (28).
70 to wire 94. See wiring schematic (figure 41).
6-239. ASSEMBLY. Reverse disassembly procedures.
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