![]() TM 10-3930-609-35
b. Installation.
(2) Disconnect and remove brake line from
master cylinder at fitting (fig. 2-18) on drive axle (TM
(1) Working from under truck, position
10-38980-609-12). Protect line against kinking, or entry
hydraulic pump motor on body and secure motor
of dirt while disconnected.
mounting bracket to body with four screws, nuts and
(3) Remove floor plate (TM 10-3930-609-12)
and remove thermal relay from travel motor. Remove
(2) Connect thermal relay to motor housing
horn attached to adapter. Disconnect rod and cable at
with screw and lockwasher.
brake (fig. 2-12) on rear of motor. Drain lubricant from
(3) Secure electrical leads to terminals
axle and adapter (LO 10-3930-609-12).
tagged at removal and push protective rubber elbows
(4) Remove protective cover from under
over terminals.
truck. Support motor from below with wheeled dolly, or
(4) Install protective cover and static drag
floor jack. Disconnect and tag four leads from terminals
of travel motor.
(5) Connect hydraulic pump (fig. 2-10) to
(5) Disconnect hydraulic tee fitting from
hydraulic pump motor with two screws and lockwashers,
adapter by removing attaching screw and lockwasher.
making certain coupling halves properly engage.
(6) Remove screws, nuts and washers
(6) Install truck floorplate (TM 10-3930-609-
securing motor to mounting bracket. Remove screws,
lockwashers and bearing brackets securing axle to
frame. Lift front end of truck from axle, and draw axle,
2-23. Steering Axle
adapter and travel motor from under truck.
a. Removal.
(7) Remove screws, lockwashers and nut (fig.
(1) Tilt mast back. Lift rear of truck high
2-13) attaching adapter to axle and take motor and
enough to provide enough space in which to work.
adapter, as a unit, from axle.
Block truck so it cannot fall after being raised.
(8) Remove
Disconnect draglink from steering axle
attaching adapter to motor, and draw motor from
bellcrank (TM 10-3930-609-12).
(3) If rear axle is raised from ground, support
b. Installation.
it against falling when attaching parts are removed.
(1) Place gasket between travel motor and
Remove four screws (fig. 2-12) and lockwashers from
adapter, aline holes and secure motor to adapter (fig. 2-
retainer bar and remove retainer bar.
13) with screws and lockwashers.
Lower axle, or hoist truck, to get
Place gasket between drive axle and
clearance and roll axle from beneath truck.
adapter, aline holes and gears and secure with screws,
b. Installation.
nut and lockwashers.
(1) Roll axle under jacked up truck and jack
(3) Position drive unit on a wheeled dolly and
up axle until axle blocks enter recesses in truck body.
roll unit under raised front end of truck. Lower front end
Install retainer bar on truck body to
of truck until axle alines with bearing bracket halves on
secure steering axle in position and secure retainer bar
frame (fig. 2-12) and travel motor mounting flange holes
with four screws and lockwashers.
aline with holes in mounting brackets. Secure axle with
Connect draglink to steering axle
bearing brackets, screws and lockwashers and travel
bellcrank (TM 10-3930-609-12).
motor with screws, nuts and washers.
(4) Remove axle support and lower truck to
(4) Secure hydraulic tee fitting (fig. 2-9) to
adapter with screw and lockwasher.
Adjust tierods and steering linkage as
(5) Attach tagged electrical leads to travel
required (TM 10-3930-609-12).
motor terminals. Secure protective cover to underside
of truck.
2-24. Drive Axle, Adapter and Travel Motor
(6) Lubricate drive axle and adapter (LO 10-
a. Removal.
3930-609-12). Connect rod and cable at brake (fig. 2-
(1) Remove entire mast assembly, including
carriage, forks, and lift cylinder as a unit (para 2-16a).
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