until the pilot is out of the pilot hole in the mounting pad.
In operation, oil enters the bottom of the hoist cylinder,
by-passes the bottom bushing on the primary rod, then
travels upward in the cavity between the outer shell and
primary rod tot the packing at the top of the cylinder.
It may be necessary to push in on the top
and pull out on the bottom of the cylinder
As pressure increases, the primary rod is forced out of
during lifting, in order to clear the fitting on
the outer shell, carrying the secondary rod with it.
the base of the cylinder.
Not until the primary rod is fully extended does the
hydraulic pressure force the se<ondary rod out. When
this happens, air, which is between the primary and
secondary rods, is forced into a passage to the center of
If only the seals and packing are to be
the secondary rod. The passage is in the plug at the
replaced, the entire cylinder assembly need
bottom of the rod.
not be disassembled.
During lowering, the primary rod enters the outer shell
1. With the cylinder in a horizontal position, pull the
before the secondary rod is forced into the primary rod.
secondary rod out of the primary rod. Support the
If the lowering speed becomes too fast, the lowering
crosshead end of the rod.
control valve is acted upon to restrict the flow of oil
leaving the cylinder. Consequently, the lowering speed
is limited to a safe speed.
A strap attached to the top of the secondary
rod will aid in extracting the rod.
The lowering control valve is attached to the high
pressure port in the base.
2. Using a spanner wrench, unscrew the bushing
and seal assembly from the primary rod. Then, extract
the secondary rod.
1. Remove the carriage.
3. Support the secondary rod on both ends, being
careful not to damage the packing assembly or the
2. Raise and block the front of the truck high
chromed surface.
Slide the spacer rings, if so
enough to enable the removal of the lowering control
equipped, off the top end of the rod, and remove the
valve. Disconnect the two hydraulic hoses front the
spiral lock from the bottom. Pull the piston and
bottom of the cylinder. Remove the lowering control
packing off together.
valve. Cap all hydraulic openings.
3. Attach a hoist slightly above the middle of the
If only the primary rod packing is to
cylinder shell, and remove the slack from the slinging.
be serviced, it is not necessary to
Remove chain adjusting nuts from the bottom of the
remove the base.
cylinder. Pull the anchors out of the base.
4. Push the primary rod toward the top about two
Unscrew the four capscrews securing the
inches. Remove dirt, nicks and burrs from the top of the
crosshead to the secondary rod. Secure the crosshead
primary rod. Pull the rod out of the bottom of the shell,
and guide assembly in a position above the cylinder.
being careful not to drag the rod over the inside surface
of the shell.
5. Gradually lift the cylinder from the mounting pad,
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